Interesting Questions...weird dares!

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Hiro: DAAAANG! Clara, we're getting a LOAD more dares than before!

Me: Why is that not surprising? (*looks over at the computer screen*)

Rapunzel: If I'm not mistaken, I guess your recovery from your grandfather's death opened new doors to others. (*shrugs*) I mean, that's a possibility!

Gogo: I agree. I mean, your recovery was spectacular. (*blows a bubble*)

Me: (*shrugs in return*) I doubt it. I mean, my mom just came back a while ago. She said by the time she was only in China for 3 days our grandfather was already in bad health. (*bites lip*) All his systems collapsed. It was a miracle he could hold on for another week. (*tears slide*) At least he died in comfort.

Tadashi: (*hugs me*) That's the good part, right? The last thing we want is someone's last moments to be full of pain. Or just not be there when it happens.

Anna and Elsa: (*starts tearing up*)

Me: Y-yeah. I guess. (*smiles and lets go*) Thanks.

Kristoff: Hey, DisnerdFangirl asked us: "If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three things (people or objects), what would you bring?" (*thinks*) I'd bring Sven, my lute, and Anna. Nothing like a good vacation without my favourite things. (*smiles at Anna, who blushes*)

Rapunzel: I'd bring my frying pan, a huge canvas, and Pascal. Of course, there might be fruits with awesome dyes, so I'd just paint a sign that screams out help, and hopefully someone would come down. I don't know, though. And frying pans, well...who knows what kind of people would be there?

Eugene: (*pouts*) Come on, Rapunzel, you'd really want to leave me out?

Rapunzel: Sorry, Eugene!

Eugene: Ugh! FINE! I'd bring...Maximus, my satchel, and...argh...I don't know! (*face palms*) Maybe a frying pan as well? You never know. (*grins at Rapunzel*)

Rapunzel: (*puts hands on her hips defiantly*) HEY! Were you trying to copy my answer?

Eugene: N-no! I wouldn't! (*holds up his hands*) Honestly, though. They are VERY useful! (*offers a small smile to Rapunzel*)

Hiro: Oh wow. That's a good question. (*thinks*) I'd bring my upgrades, Baymax 2.0, and Emily. (*grins evilly at Tadashi*) Sorry. I'm just going to have to leave my brother behind.

Me: You'd rather steal my sister instead of your brother?! (*stares at him incredulously*)

Hiro: Look, I know she doesn't get too involved with our Ask and Dare book, but I've been hanging out with her outside of this book, you know! And she's an amazing person, she's a great person, and she's been such a loyal girlfriend!

Anna and Honey Lemon: (*giggling*)

Hiro: What? It's true! And I hope that counts as 3? I don't know.

Me: That's 4, nerd.

Hiro: Oh...oh crap...I can't work around that though! (*crosses arms*)

Tadashi: (*crosses arms*) FINE! Then I'd bring Clara, Baymax 1.0, and my moped. (*shrugs and looks at me, who smiles and takes his arm*)

Me: That would be alright, I guess. I'd bring a camera, Tadashi, and my journal and pen set. If I can't write on Wattpad, I'll settle for writing on paper until I get Internet access or something. I don't know!

Fred: I'd bring my comic book, my monster suit, and my sign! Gonna have fun while you can! (*jumps into his monster suit, spins a sign around, and almost hit Gogo on the head*)

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