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(A.N. SUPER SORRY FOR NOT HAVING UPDATED! I just wanted to write this with absolute detail, plus these ideas kept roaming in my head, so why not? Yeah, the media above is the dance to "Bailando" From Just Dance 2015. I don't have it so I can't exactly judge how amazing it is...but yeah. Hope you like this nonetheless.)

Gogo: "Awesome"? That's all they say? (*stalks on my Wattpad AND Instagram*)

Hiro: Gogo, you gotta chill. The fact that most of us can actually bike by this point is impressive! (*pops a gummy bear in his mouth*)

Kristoff: (*laughing as he put an arm around Anna*) Hiro's right, Gogo. Calm down!

Me: (*winces as Tadashi kissed my cheek*) Tadashi, you gotta stop that.

Tadashi: What? I think everyone's missing some Cladashi action. (*grins as he moves in for a kiss*)

Me: (*pulls him in roughly and kisses once*) Yeah. How about that?

Tadashi: (*chuckles*) Sure. That would do, I guess. (*hugs me*)

Rapunzel: AWW! That is SO CUTE! (*fangirls*)

Eugene: Can we PLEASE get going with the other dare? You know, the one that princess_16544 sent us?

Anna: I LOVE SLEEPOVER DARES!!!!!! (*pumps the air*)

Me: (*points to Hiro*) Hiro, call my sister up. 

Hiro: (*blanches*) Wh-what? Why me? I...I can't call your sister up! SHE HATES ME! I KNOW SHE DOES! (*then blushes furiously and jams his fists in his pockets*)

Me: Oh just do it! (*shoves him playfully*)

Hiro: FINE! (*storms out the room and down the stairs*)

Honey Lemon: (*gapes*) Is he okay? 

Elsa: Probably still angry with know...

Tadashi: Hey Clara, just a quick haven't been reading any xReader stories that suggested that you hate me, do you?

Me: (*scoffs*) No. And even if I did, I hate them to bits. It makes me act like an overreacted bitch. (*makes a disgusted face*) I mean, this one story makes me cringe. 

Fred: Which one?

Me: "Loving My Rival" and its sequel.

Anna: Oh oh oh, can I read?

Me: (*shrugs*) Fine. But if you really feel like slapping this nice guy over here with sarcasm and sass... (*gestures to Tadashi*)

Anna: OH KAY NEVER MIND! I'm not going to! (*shakes her head frantically*) This guy is WAY too likable to be slapping sarcasm in his face!

Everyone else: (*laughs spontaneously in agreement*)

Tadashi: (*wraps his arms around me again*) You wouldn't slap me or anything, won't you?

Me: (*leans head on his chest*) Never. Never in a million years.

Tadashi: (*hums in reply and closes his eyes*)

Hiro: (*re-enters the room*) Well, she, um, said yes. (*hiccups*)

Elsa: Hiro? You okay? (*grabs a water bottle for Hiro*)

Hiro: (*chugs water down*) No. No no no. I'm so scared right now I kid you not.

Anna: Don't be, Hiro. (*puts reassuring hand on his shoulder*) Remember how reckless I was when it came to finding love? You'll be fine.

Hiro: Yeah. I hope. Thanks. (*smiles at Anna*)


Me: I'll bet it's my sister. I'll be back. (*runs down the stairs and opens the door*) Hey Emily!

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now