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Me: (*fist pumps in the air*) YES! They're coming!

Fred: Wait, what's happening?

Tadashi: ACHOO! (*rubs nose*) Sorry, Elsa...

Elsa: That's alright. (*gets rid of mucus*)

Anna: Who's coming?

Me: Oh. I invited a couple more people to join us in our ASK AND DARE BOOK! So naturally I'm going to have to update the cover, but no I'm not going to rewrite any more dares...It's still frustrating, no one looking at this.

Hiro: And who exactly did you invite?

Me: (*smiles*) The good guys from Tangled.

Gogo: Hold up. mean, the girl with the super long hair is coming over?

Honey Lemon: You mean Rapunzel, Gogo.

Me: Yeah. And then there's Flynn--or Eugene, whichever one--and Pascal and Maximus.

Hiro: Isn't Maximus the horse that belongs to the head guard? I thought he HATED Eugene!

Me: Well, yeah. But eventually they got along.

Wasabi: Let's just hope Maximus and Pascal don't bring any more germs!

(*seconds later, a THUD is heard*)

Me: I think they're here.


Rapunzel: Eugene, really? How many times did I have to tell you--

Eugene: Okay fine! I trust you! This is the house she said we had to meet her, right?

Honey Lemon: (*gasps*) What happened to Rapunzel's hair? It's so short now!

Olaf: I think there is a REASON it's cut...

Me: (*shrugs*) Long story. (*to Olaf*) Bring our guests in, please?

Olaf: With pleasure! (*bounds away*)

Baymax: (*to Tadashi*) You are getting a lot better now, Tadashi. Would you like another bowl of soup?

Tadashi: That would be ideal, Baymax. Thank you.

Hiro: I hope Tadashi's okay.

Elsa: I didn't expect Marshmallow to escape, I'm serious! Oh this is all my fault! (buries face in hands and starts crying*)

Kristoff: Um, Elsa? I think our guests have arrived.

(*ENTER...Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal, and Maximus*)

Olaf: Here they are!

Me: (*gets up and hugs Rapunzel*) Hey Rapunzel! Welcome!

Rapunzel: Thanks for inviting us, Clara.

Eugene: Um, Clara...? Who are the rest of these people and why are they here?

Me: Oh! I'm being superbly rude, am I. (*clears throat*) Guys, I want you to meet...Hiro, Tadashi, Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, Baymax, Olaf, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and Sven. And I'm Clara, as you would probably guess. 

Pascal: (*bows from Rapunzel's shoulder, but then falls onto the floor due to overbalance*)

Wasabi: What is this little creature, actually? A lizard? (*picks Pascal up and hands him back to Rapunzel*)

Rapunzel: Chameleon.

Eugene: (*under his breath*) Nuance.

Me: (*glares at Eugene*)

Honey Lemon: Um, I don't know if Sven and Maximus are getting along...

Everyone: (*looks round to see Max and Sven staring each other down*)

Anna: I won't be surprised if they're simply just checking each other out or something.

Me: Oh haha.

Fred: What happened to your hair, Rapunzel?

Rapunzel: (*sighs*) Long story. I was born with healing powers after this magic flower healed my mother before birth. This flower came from a single drop from the sun. So said my foster mom. But my foster mom had to hide me away in a tower for years, and then one day I met Eugene--who was Flynn Rider back then--and then we went on this crazy adventure but then things happened and then my foster mom almost killed him and dragged me along and then my hair was cut so that my foster mom would no longer be "immortal" and live young. 

Hiro: (*goldfish face*) No offense, Rapunzel. But that sounds creepy.

Eugene: Don't worry, little one. I had the same reaction.

Hiro: (*shrugs*)

Gogo: But then...Eugene, you're still here.

Honey Lemon: A miracle must have happened!

Kristoff: Of course, Honey Lemon! Somehow she still retained the power and a single tear drop healed him! So now he's here with us!

Baymax: I sense that the horse and the reindeer are getting along well. Mutual feelings between them are very strong.

Me: Well, that's good, isn't it?

Tadashi: ACHOO! (*wipes nose*) Baymax, where's my soup?

Olaf: It's here! (*brings Tadashi some miso soup*)

Tadashi: Oh thanks, Olaf! (*starts eating the soup*)

Eugene: So...what happened so far in this book?

Me: Oh, stuff. Dares.

Rapunzel: Ooh. Like what?

Anna: Dressing up in other people's clothes!

Gogo: Singing dares!

Kristoff: Races!

Honey Lemon: And shipping!

Eugene: Shipping? Oh you want to order pizza or something?

Me: It's not that, Eugene! It's up a name for a really cute couple.

Wasabi: So like Clara and Tadashi in this book.

Rapunzel: Wait wait wait. Already? You guys have a couple?

Me: Ask Gogo, Anna, and Honey Lemon about this one.

Anna: Huh? Oh. Um...well, Olaf started it.

Eugene: You mean the little snowman?

Olaf: Right you are!

Me: And they tried to make me kiss him. (*points at Tadashi*)

Hiro: But you still did! Willingly sometimes, if I may say so myself.

Me: (*seethes*) Well, yes.

Rapunzel: So, do you have any dares right now?

Me: Nope. (*sighs*) I'm going to have to advertise it more. Plus add more tags. I don't know.

Tadashi: (*gets off bed and approaches me and puts an arm around me*) You'll get more people someday, Clara. (*smiles gently*) I'm not-

Me: -giving up on you. Got it. (*smiles back*) Alright, so we have more people around, so hopefully things would get interesting.

Anna: Comment!

Fred: Dare!

Wasabi: Vote!

Olaf: And be awesome!

Everyone: BYE! :)

(A.N. Hi y'all! So yeah after some debate I decided to add the Tangled characters so I'll update the cover and summary and PLEASE DON'T STAY SILENT JUST COMMENT SOMETHING FOR US TO DO and we'll do them! So yeah. See you in the next section!)

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