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Chapter 122 Sparkling Chapter 122
2019-10-03 16:32 Category: My old lady has lost her memoryTurn off the lights

As soon as the voice appeared, Lenny, who had been beside him until now, suddenly stood up straight and his expression became serious. After hearing these two words, he said, "No voice changer was used."

Ye Shanshan was carefully looking at the densely packed characters that appeared on the screen, and found that when they were connected together, they felt very familiar to him. He was certain that this was the same character code he had seen before in the laboratory on Michus Island, with only occasional small parts missing.

But these character codes should have disappeared on the sea with Michus Island long ago, unless the data had already reached Durant's hands before the explosion.

Ye Shanshan quickly read through the large list of data, heard what Lenny said, and nodded in agreement, "It is indeed Durant himself, and his voice is the same as in his previous audio and video materials."

After saying that, he glanced at Lenny, and happened to catch the other person's gaze looking over.

At this time, the voice appeared again, with a sense of irrepressible excitement, even a little crazy,

"Have you seen those experimental subjects? They are my gift to you! Look, how beautiful their shapes are and how peaceful their expressions are! Those liquids and airtight petri dishes can completely isolate them from contact with the outside world. Isn't that right? Very beautiful?"

The noise of the current was strong and weak, not very stable, but it was clearly audible. The other party's voice suddenly became angry, "There are so many bastards on the island, bastards! They should all be cleared away! You brought them all." Come on!"

The other party seemed to be hitting the table hard, and a dull sound came out along the current. At the same time, several alarms sounded in the device that played the sound. Mumbling something in his mouth, Durant quickly turned off the voice transmission device, and for a while, the entire cave returned to silence.

Miyagoshi estimated the time, "Chris and the others should have already taken action." They had already made various plans before entering the woods, and the people waiting on the ground should have arrived by now.

Holding Ye Shanshan's hand stained with cold sweat, Gong Yue's voice was as calm as ever, but he was obviously worried about Ye Shanshan's condition. Ye Shanshan gently touched Gong Yue's palm with his finger, indicating that he was fine.

He took off the hand he was holding, straightened the wristband on his wrist, and looked at Lenny, with a smile on his lips, "Can I know who you are?"

Lenny noticed the subtle movements of Miyazuki holding the handle of his penis, but he still maintained his previous posture without changing and did not answer.

He noticed that Ye Shanshan was looking at him steadily. After almost half a minute, he expressed his position as if he had compromised, "I have no ill intentions towards you. We can cooperate because our goals are the same."

"No, in this situation, we will not cooperate with unknown people." As he said that, Gong Yue directly raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Lenny, and pulled the safety catch, which was obvious.

Lenny glanced at the chest pointed at him, pursed his lips, but still did not speak.

Ye Shanxian paid attention to the other person's subtle expression and slowed down his speech, "I've seen you before."

"Impossible!" He quickly denied this sentence. Lenny's eyes subconsciously glanced at Miyagoshi, and he shut his mouth again.

"I have indeed seen you," Ye Shanshan described in detail this time. "It was on a stack of photos. You were wearing a basketball uniform and your hair was wet with sweat. I remember that the number 9 was written on the uniform and the color was It's blue and white."

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