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Chapter 87 Sparkling Chapter 87
2019-10-03 16:29 Category: My old lady has lost her memoryTurn off the lights

After the news about Youli Entertainment came out, it did not cause a big splash at first. After all, it is just about to start up. Apart from this message, there is no news yet. It wasn't until several of Aite's leading actors and Director Zhang retweeted this news, and at the same time, several entertainment celebrities with millions of fans controlled by Youli Entertainment also retweeted it, that the news became popular.

Usually when this kind of news is released, the first people to receive attention are the director and the starring actors. Director Zhang just won an award at the Elms Film Festival, one of the three major film festivals in the world, and the limelight has not yet passed. The leading actor Liu Yanqing is a talented actor. He won the title of Best Actor more than ten years ago and has been selected as the best actor in recent years. The quality of the films is also very good, and they are all films with good reputations and good box office. And Xu Luoyang's acting skills are also remarkable among the first-line niche actors, and his ability to attract fans is very strong.

After this wave passed, no one noticed that the last listed starring and producer were the same person.

"--Am I dazzled or is there something wrong with the Fruit Entertainment case? Producer...Ye Shanshan??! Producer! Jin, my father!"

"--Not a co-producer yet, so he is the sole proprietor of this movie? Or almost all of it? Damn it! I think I need to slow down a bit. I think back then, when I was still young, I was still in Black Leaf In the post about Shining being kept, I can only say, this is Jin, the master, right? But is it really okay if we don't do it right away? Cast a movie!"

"--It shouldn't be a sole proprietorship. After all, the cake has to be divided together. Otherwise, the filming and promotion will definitely not go smoothly. But looking at the pace, it is going to be sky-high. How much money has been invested? Isn't it hundreds of millions?"

"--After seeing this news, all my dreams of working hard and buying a house, a car, snacks, a pig farm, and vegetable land were all shattered... After all, he can invest money in I'm making a movie myself! What kind of idol do I have? But I want to ask why I still cast the male lead in the movie! !"

"--Don't say anything, please let me be the male lead for once. No, we are so easy to satisfy, even the third male lead is fine!"

Just as major news clients caught the scent and began to report on it, and related topics became more popular, Ye Shanshan forwarded the official news, stopped reading it, and started writing papers quickly.

Ever since he successfully planted Chinese cabbage, Ye Shanshan has been planning to open another piece of land in the greenhouse, where he can grow potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and various high-end melons. But these are relatively difficult, so Gong Yue helped him contact the teacher, so he could study before going to the crew to film.

Ye Shanshan imagined a bumper harvest for all the vegetables he planted. On the left were half-human pumpkins, on the right were round potatoes, with a large basket of cabbages in front, and corn in the background - the picture was so beautiful! It feels like raising your own big devil is no problem at all!

But just after watching a video on how to raise seedlings, Butler Hawk came and knocked on the door.

Ye Shanshan pressed pause, "Uncle, is Gong Yue about to arrive?"

"Master Ye, Assistant Qin called and said that the young master has had a low-grade fever since this afternoon and is on his way home now. He is expected to arrive in twenty minutes."

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