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Chapter 61 Sparkling Chapter 61
2019-10-03 16:27 Category: My old lady has lost her memoryTurn off the lights

What is a partner?

Ye Xianxian said that he knew it. He had memorized the dictionary carefully before, "A partner is a person who lives, works or travels together." After saying this, he looked at Director Zhang with a look on his face, "Am I right?" expression.


Looking at Ye Shanshan's expression, Director Zhang suddenly felt that what the other party said was completely correct and was speechless. At this moment, he felt that he finally understood why Ye Shanshan's fans said that Ye Shanshan was poisonous.

However, he believed that he could teach all the tricks in filming, so he continued to work hard,

"Here, partner is just a reference, and 'deer' is an anthropomorphic character. He lost his partner, that is, his lover, his beloved object, and his family, so he was like that at dawn, Alone in the wilderness, walking aimlessly."

Looking at Ye Shanshan's still confused expression, Director Zhang swallowed back the words "Do you understand?"

Director Zhang said that this is the least intelligent male lead he has ever led!

To comfort themselves, people who have high IQs and are engaged in physics may have low emotional intelligence. To understand, Director Zhang struggled for a while and decided to change his mind.

"Let's discuss, in real life, who is the most important person to you who lives, works, and travels with you and cannot lose?"

"Gongyue." Ye Shanshan gave the answer without hesitation.

Director Zhang was a little surprised by this answer, but he remembered the last time at the door of the hotel room, when Ye Shanshan heard Gong Yue coming, he opened the door instantly, and then jumped on the other party, and he felt that there was nothing surprising.

At least the man in charge of the Gong family looked at Ye Xianxuan in a way that even a grown man felt disgusting.

Bringing the idea back, "There is a concept in acting called 'empathy'. You can put your own real-life feelings into the role you play." Director Zhang continued,

"So Twinkle, for 'Deer', his partner means to him what Gongyue means to you. It is a partner and a lover, so for him, it cannot be lost. Once lost, it will be painful My heart, do you understand what I say?"

After breaking it apart and talking carefully, Director Zhang suddenly realized that something was wrong with Ye Shanxian.

Ye Xianxian, who was sitting on the plastic stool, seemed to be in a daze for a while. His hands suddenly loosened, and the water glass he was holding fell to the ground, making a dull "dong" sound.

The originally straight back was bending little by little. Ye Shanshan was like a dying fish, breathing in the morning air. He grabbed the clothes on his chest with his right hand, and tightened his fingers tighter and tighter to the phalanges. It was all white, the nails dug into the flesh, and blood quickly flowed down the forearm.

Things happened so fast. When Director Zhang saw the blood, he suddenly reacted and became a little panicked.

He quickly recalled that Zheng Dong did say that Ye Shanshan had no emergency illness. Recalling the situation when Ye Shanshan got too deep into the scene while filming a movie, Director Zhang calmed himself down.

He squatted in front of Ye Xingxuan, stretched out his hand and patted the other party's shoulder, "Xingxing, let go!" The down jacket had slipped halfway down, and the thin white material was quickly soaked with blood, like the flow of his heart. Blood.

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