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Chapter 83 Sparkling Chapter 83
2019-10-03 16:29 Category: My old lady has lost her memoryTurn off the lights

The moment the director said the filming was over, Ye Shanshan quickly took off the cigarette between his teeth. Because he accidentally took a small puff, he choked and coughed several times.

Although he had tried the smell of cigarettes last time, he still didn't like it - it was spicy and pungent, a double attack on his nose and mouth.

His cough seemed to break some kind of secretive atmosphere. Zheng Dong quickly handed over an ashtray, and Ye Shanxuan carefully put out the cigarette.

Because of the cough, there were some physiological tears in his eyes, which made him look a little aggrieved. After taking a sip of the water handed over by the other party, Ye Xianxuan's voice was still a little hoarse.

"Thank you, Brother Zheng. The director tricked me. This cigarette is too spicy!"

After saying that, when Bamond waved him over, Ye Shanxuan returned the water to Zheng Dong. After taking two steps, he felt a little cold in his chest and abdomen. He raised his hand and touched it, only to realize that he had unbuttoned his shirt but not buttoned it, so he buttoned it as he walked.

Looking at Ye Shanshan getting closer and closer, Bamond took the camera that he had not put down and took a few more pictures in succession. Hearing the sound of the shutter, Ye Shanxuan looked over blankly, and his expression at this moment was also recorded.

"Ye, from the moment you took the cigarette out of your mouth, it was like you were in the same body with a different soul. There seemed to be infinite possibilities." Bamond's tone was very exciting.

Every photographer cannot resist the invasion of beautiful things, and Ye Shanshan is like a million-volt electric shock to him.

The assistant has helped him connect the device to the computer and retrieve the photos he took before. The data displayed is that Bamond has taken hundreds of photos in less than an hour.

Finding a photo of Ye Shanshan chewing a cigarette and looking at it casually, Bamond said in a tone of wonder, "Ye, under the camera, you are like a plant blooming at midnight, very beautiful! And , you blend in very well with the environment, as if you were already living in it, walking around in it, but you were photographed by me very accidentally, and captured a wonderful moment."

Ye Shanshan scratched his hair and felt a little embarrassed to be praised so much, so he politely thanked him.

The filming didn't end until after 7 p.m. Ye Xianxian moved his hands and feet. Judging from the sound of the shutter, he should have taken more than 4,000 photos - it felt like he had taken all the photos in his life.

Glancing at Bamond standing behind the computer, Ye Shanshan was suddenly curious. Is it true that after pressing the shutter button so many times, it won't cramp?

After saying hello to Balmond, Ye Xianxian went to the dressing room and changed back into her clothes. However, when she was sitting in front of the mirror to remove her makeup, she discovered that the mole under her eye could not be removed at all due to the special pigment.

The makeup artist was packing his toolbox nearby and saw that he was holding a cotton swab soaked in makeup remover. He explained, "Ye, we will still need this cinnabar mole when shooting commercials in the future. If it doesn't cause any inconvenience, we will Can I choose not to remove it?" Then he pointed to the pen used to apply the tear stain, "The material on it is great and can last for half a month without fading or darkening. "

Touching the cinnabar mole in the mirror, Ye Shanshan thought it looked pretty, and it would be a little troublesome to order it next time, so she nodded to express her cooperation.

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