chapter 98

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Au's pov-

"Baby stay here i will get all the money transfer", alice says as she smile at rob then kiss their join hand and get out of the car.

She walk inside the bank with a scarf around her face and black glasses on. Rob look forward then turn his phone off.

"No need of you any more", he whisper then throw the device out of car where it landed on the side.

He looks up to see a store and get out out a get a bottle of water. He pay then came back where alice was waiting for him.

"Come", he guesture to get her in and buck up to go out of there.

Alice link her hand again with his and smile before looking at the front.

"Are you alright?", rob asked.

"Better", alice whisper.

Rob grin then take her hand to his lips to kiss then smile. He looks at the side mirror to see a black car follow behind them. He seat up properly making alice to look at him.

"Something wrong?", she asked.

"That car seem familiar!", alice look back to see the car moving to the side making four more cars to come in the view.

"SHIT THEY FOUND US..", rob yell as he band his hand on the handle and press the accelerator to fast his speed.

"I can't understand how could they found in this much time..", alice hold her seatbelt tightly as rob move their car side by side to pass between of the traffic.

Another one black mercedes came over their side where alice look at the car but then scream as the car bang with them.

Rob murmure cursed as he swing but took control. He stop his car making it hit with the one following behind then start it faster than before to break the limits.

"Baby careful", alice scream as they brush against the car coming from the front.

Rob grit his teeth then took a sudden right turn to take a short cut to reach at the port.

"Alice get the gun and shoot at their wheel!", rob command while alice bring out her hand gun of the cabin near her knees then roll down the window to pock her head out.

She aim her gun at the wheel but bang her head as rob took another turn to right. She hiss as she point and shoot hitting directly at the wheel making the car to strach on the road .

Another car hit that car making it roll of the road and land away. This cause another cars follow behind to stop at the point causing more accidents.

"Bravo darling..",  rob smirk as he saw what's happening behind.

Both reach at the port where a boat was waiting for them to pass the border line through sea and reach Malaysia from where they would be taking a flight to South Arabia.

Rob stop his car then look back at alice with a smile. Both of them step out then hug in the middle where alice reach up to kiss him.

But he gasp inbetween the kiss as his body fall down. Alice held him while taking her gun out but another bullet came to attack on her neck to make her also fall down.

Suga smirk as he saw them fall on the floor and pull his rifle back from where he injected a dart to make them sleep till they reach their destination.

Alice pov-

I open my eyes but close them back as a bright bulb was shining on my head. I groan then tried to move but chain around my wrist make a sound.

I gasp as i look down at myself seating on a chair with chain around my wrist, legs and body holding me tightly.

My eyes turn to look where scream came to see y/n cover in blood where she was pocking her dragger into Robert's eyes who was hanging on the chains attached with the ceiling.

His clothes were tore off his body and there was burn marks and scar were showing on his skin. Blood flowing out of his ankle, knees chest and wrist now his face was also covered in his blood.

Au's pov-

Alice shake in fear as y/n made sure to hang robert the same way her mother was found and at the same place. She enjoy every second of his life leaving his body till he was a limp dead body.

She turn to look at her stepsister who was shaking with mouth drop open and fear in eyes burning red. Boys had already made sure to take their time to make her skin decorate with bruises as she was asleep.

But still her mind was there on rob who was now laying dead. Her eyes stuck in scared.

"Crying for him when there would be no one to cry for you..", y/n mock her as she walk near the chair.

Tears roll down her face as she turn to look at y/n with anger.

"You kill him", she yell as she sob.

Y/n smirk then shake her head before point at her.

"He died cause of you!! ", y/n spoke.

"No you are the one who kill him!! You are a monster", alice scream out loud.

Y/n turn her smile to a stop and give a glare to her sister.

"You are bitch crying for a outsiders yet you didn't even flinch when you shoot at dad", y/n darkly spoke.

"He wasn't my father!! Mother told me that he just accepted me to get a sibling for his daughter and mother for his child!!", alice state the truth'.

"And what did you do?", y/n shroff.

"He was at the fault to kill my dad!! Now that you know what it feel like to have a father less life , tell me orphan will anyone else have you again?", alice grin as she alter those words out.

Y/n gave a blank look behind her mouth turn to a smile.

"You mother is still laying in the hospital bed!! Remember your lover boy push her off to show his love", y/n remind her.

Alice face fell as she remembers how that happened but didn't got time to help mother who was only family member left.

"Leave her alone!", alice warn her.

Y/n move her hand back to remove her rubber gloves before wearing them then walk near the chair she was seating on.

Alice look at her every step careful while wiggling around to get free.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!", alice fear as she saw her get a battery box with wire and clip.

Y/n put the box infront of her with loud thud making her flinch. She smirk as she put the clip on the battery connection and joint the front where a corrosion lightup.

Alice start yelling and twisting as y/n move the joint near her chair then held then with the chain. Alice start vibrating with the current passing through her body and her hair burning.

Y/n stood up to look at her getting current and her body turning black.

For half an hour alice with shaking screaming crying with her body burning whenever a force of current passing through the chain on her skin.

Y/n step forward to stop the battery connection then move to hold the back of her chair and pull it with alice to take her out of the mansion.

Y/n was pulling the chair while alice was whimpering and vibrating along with the second. They stop where y/n made her seat at the same place where her father was shoot in the middle of the road.

She turn to go back then standing infront of the chair and pull her gun out to aim at her head.

"Any last wish?", y/n asked.

Alice look at her through her eyelashes and smirk.

"Kill me", she whisper.

Y/n didn't took any more second to shoot a bullet directly in the middle if her forehead where she gasp back and eyes widened.

Her body weight made the chair fall back to the floor with the blood coming around the centre out the bullet wound.


...✨The King's Ruby ♨️...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt