chapter 11

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Au's pov-

The boys all grinningly and with a smirking face start moving towards the bedroom while getting excited to meet the girl which had stolen their attention somehow.

Jimin came first at the door and open it to see the room in darkness while purple and gold celling decoration lights were shining to make the mood.

He enter inside towards the bed while taehyung and jungkook following behind him giggling with eachother.

Hobi and jin came next, who were looking at the three maknae brothers with amusement while suga was chuckling behind them.

Lastly namjoon came while rolling his sleeve up of his shirt and close the door with the locker getting on.

All of them had removed their coat and were in shirt and pant while face looking like siren ready to hipenoties.

Then their eyes came on the bed where the girl was sleeping or should be said as drugged up high till she can't be in her sense.

They seems to in a dazzle from her looks as if someone had taken their mind off. Jimin lick his lip while moving forward to the bed.

He slowly started getting on the bed towards her body while taehyung was behind him.

Jimin goes on her right side where his eyes were taking in all the structure of her face properly while his throat bob in nerves.

Jimin was feeling like his body was on fire from the nervesness while his fingers were unknowing rising towards her face.

Taehyung on the other hand was also lose in her beauty. He was also one of the fucker boy who wouldn't be getting into anyone's charm but here he was love grasing her.

Jungkook join taehyung to see the girl which seems to be the one he was finding around. Like a beauty of the beast where this side beast once got her then can't let the beauty fly away.

Hobi and jin came near her head side from where they took in her body which was making them go crazy. They were asking themselves about how can a girl get away from their eyes till now.

Suga and namjoon were standing near the bed end where they were looking at the girl as if she was prey for which they were hungry to eat.

The girl on the bed was still unknown by the fact that she didn't only got the attention of the Mafia's Kings but of the real living devil's who once took something then that can't be separated from them easily.

"Tae ", namjoon spoke slowly with his eyes still on her.

Taehyung on the other hand open the box which jae hand bought for them and took out the dart injection.

He slowly move his hand to hold the hand of the girl still high . Taehyung hold her hand softly as if he was afraid to break it.

He move her hand in straighting then open the cap of the injection before pushing in back a little to remove the bubble off. Then he move it toward her arm where jungkook had her still to let her hand down to not move.

Taehyung gave her the dose of the injection a bit making her whimpering in irritation while her eyes were moving.

Taehyung stop and remove the injection which putting the cotton with a medicine to stop the bleeding.

He put back the injection in the box and close it then pass around to hobi who took the box and keep it aside on the side table near the bed.

Ruby was feeling like her mind was going round and round which made her slowly move her hand towards her head to stop it by massaging.

She tried opening her eyes but closed them again as she saw her vision blurry and a little darker than before.

Jimin who was unable to control himself move his hand towards her jaw running his thumb over till her lips.

Ruby turn her face in other direction as she feel hand of someone on her cheeks but then jimin hold her tightly to not let her move.

She open her eyes to look at his side to see who was holding her cheeks together but her vision was moving which made it hard for her to see his face clearly.

Ruby feel another hand on her other side where saw two unclear faces while another two of them were near her feet. She moved backwards but stop as someone was running his hand on her hair.

She slowly look up at the other two members while her body was trying to get up. Ruby got to know that she wasn't alone anymore and was surrounded by all the men she was unknown from.

She tried seating up and move but was unable to do so as jimin and taehyung were holding her hand while jungkook was holding on her legs.

"L-let g-go", she whisper which was deaf to their ears.

Jimin move her face towards himself with his own lips between his teeth to stop as if trying not to jump on her.

His fingers run over her lips slowly as to feel everything then pull it making her whimpering and try pushing his hand off but stop as he lean near her.

He face was getting closer with his breath fanning over her jaw. Jimin took a breath where he was amused by her coconut and chocolate mixture smell.

His tongue came out to touch her jaw while her body was shaking in fear.
Slowly he was moving towards her lip where he softly bite on her right side.

"S-stop ", ruby says as she feels the pain.

Jimin let go then look up at her face which was red due to the hotness and her eyes were little tearing up.

All the boys feel like they have forgotten how to breathe. This girl which they got their eyes on few hours ago made them feel the emotions that they didn't knew have in themselves.

They all promised themselves that even if they have to die for her them too they'll always be there for her.


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