chapter 93

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Y/n's pov-

I open my car door and step out then close it back with a loud thud making the guards present there turn their attention towards me.

I walk up the stairs but one of the guard run to get the key from me to park my car back in the garage while I entered inside the mansion.

I silently walk passing ace who was on the phone and on his way out but stop when he saw me. He stop talking and watch me but i ignore his questionable face.

"Y/nn....", he call but i walk towards the living room.

Granny who heard ace calling me turn where she was standing near the couch with a glass of water in her hand.

She gave me a restoring smile as if telling me that she was happy to see me there. Beside her my stepmom was seating with a laptop on her lap.

She looks at me with curiosity but then her eyes change from cold to a warmer tone. I feel awkward as she just look like she want to talk but didn't dare to.

I keep walk towards the staircase where my father stood in the middle. He was having a small smile on his face with eyes shining to see me.

"Baby..", father whisper as I brush passing him.

I stop and gulp down my nervesness while titling my head to the side.

"I'm aren't back here to talk!! I will go back once i get another mission", my words were sharp and strict.

I move up to another step but he spoke something.

"You don't have to!! This is your home!", this made me turn to look at him who was looking desperately.

My eyes move from him towards my stepmom who was now having worried eyes. I couldn't understand what have changed now that she isn't angry or screaming for me to get out.

"This wasn't my home and will never become one", with that i turn back and keep walking to my room.

I close the door and throw myself on my bed then lay there while remaining the moment where boys told me that his own blooded daughter want to kill him for a title under her name.

Au's pov-

King turn to look back at his wife who stood up and made eyes contact with him. Granny leave them alone seeing a tensed atmosphere.

King walk down till he was centre of the living room and point his finger at her.

"This is all because of you!! I wish you died other then my mia!", king split out making her eyes fill up in tears.

"I'm sorry... I-i couldn't help to keep your family together..", she cry out but king just shroff and walk away from there.

She fall on her knees while looking looking down in shame that her life was waste to hate the one whose mother died to save to her.

Alice pov-

I open the curtains of the room and smile in satisfaction as the sunlight fall on my body. I breathe in relief then wrap my arms around my body.

I look back over my shoulder when rob hold me on his naked chest. He hum as he kiss my exposed shoulder under his shirt.

"What are thinking about darling?", he asked while turn to look back at the view from the building top.

"Home!! I miss my mom!! Would she be with me if i fight or she will also join them?", i ask while thinking hard.

"I don't know about her but i will always stand with you!", rob murmured.

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