chapter 62

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Ruby's pov-

'why would have he allow me to work out? Maybe he is testing me to see if I try to run!', I thought while watering the plants.

' or he is trust me that he really wants me to come help here in his personal garden ', I keep the watering can aside then move to get the pipe to refil it.

I was walking towards the pipe but suddenly someone kick me, making me fall down on the grass.

"Ahh ", i cry out as the ground hit hard on my body.

Two pairs of hand came to pull me up while i scream and trash around to get free.

"Hey, who are you! Let me gooo ... Stopp ...let go..", i scream as they keep a black cloth on my head to cover my face.

They tape me then hold me up to move towards a direction with my legs sometimes fall or something came inbetween to hurt my feet.

They both hold me still while pulling in a certain directions where all the noise came to an stop with them letting me fall down on my knees.

I quickly pull the cloth off my face and shake my head while graze at the view of a small pool near the big fountain with a shadow.

I quickly pull the cloth off my face and shake my head while graze at the view of a small pool near the big fountain with a shadow

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I look up at the finger standing in the sun light.I put my hand up on my eyes to see gyeong,glaring at me with her hand crossed over her chest.

I tried to stood up but both hana and bong hold me down while gyeong move forward and gave me a tight slap.

"Ughh", i whimper as she grip my hair and pull me to face her.

"Does it hurt you?", she asked with her grip harder.

"Aah what the hell are you doing? Let me go!", I yell at her face but she just slap me again while hana and bong kick me.

I hold my stomach as it hurt from their kick while gyeong pull my arms to make me kneel infront of her.

"Because of you, dae died!", she speak out with gritting her teeth.

"Who is dae and what i have to do with him!", i says while holding her hand which grip my hair.

"Keep your mouth shut and he is the one,who came to get you in the library!! ", she replied making me look up with shocked.

"What? Tongue got stuck!", smirk while looking at me.

"Yes him!! Didn't I told you to stay away from the boys?", gyeong hold my throat in a chock making me tears up.

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