chapter 92

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Y/n's pov-

I woke up with a start, gasping for air while staring at the white unfamiliar ceiling with wide eyes.

I breathe heavily as sweat cover my body and forehead with the clock ticking somewhere sounds destructive enough to make me forget the bad dream.

The cold air hit my body making me look around to see a window open near by the bed. I pull the blanket up but a hand wrap around my stomach move up to my chest.

I look beside me to see kai sleeping soundly with soobin and beomgyu behind him. Their chest were exposed with their lower was cover with the blanket. I sigh then try to seat up but another hand reached out to hold me.

"What the ...", i whisper but stop as yeonjun groan and turn on his other side where he came face to face with taehyun.

Careful trying again without letting them know or move, i sat up then hold the blanket on my chest.

I ruff my hair then close my eyes to remember how i was screaming and shouting in my dream to stop alice hurting dad. I hide my face behind my hands then pull my hair and grit my teeth.

Taking a deep breathe and turn to seat on my knees then move forward but stop as kai try to find me. I quickly pull the pillow near him and let him cuddle it.

I sigh as he relax and then try to get out quietly. My feet touch the cold floor making me have goosebumps appear all over my body.

Getting my clothes back from the floor then wore them and look back at the boys one last time before going towards the door.

I gulp before turning the lock down but hiss softly as it make a ting sound. My eyes fall back at the boys who were still sleeping then open the door till i was able to leave.

I close it back then rub my hair while blinking as the brightness around the hallway shine on me. I look towards the left remembering from where we came from and walk in that direction.

I reached at the stairs then look around to see all the hallway silent and not a single guard was found roaming here.

I step slowly while rubbing my arms as cold air hit my bear skin and i seems to forget about my shoes in the room only.

As soon as i step down the last stair and walk quickly towards the entrance. I pull the door open which made a sound but then jump in surprise as the guards turn to look at me.

Bob who was there look confuse at me as i walk bare foot towards them. He came near me with a gun in his hand.

"Miss y/n? Why are you awake right now?", he asked.

"I-i need to go home! Please bring back my car", i request after clearing my throat.

"But it's late why don't you go back in morning ", he says as he looks at his wrist watch.

"Please or else i can walk ", i try to move passing him but he step infront.

"No no let me call your car", he speak while i gave a nod and look down.

Au's pov-

Bob was confused but he move back near the guards guarding around and pull his phone out without her notice.

He call someone while looking at a guard and told him to get her car here.

"Bob?", a voice call in a bit low.

"Sir, miss y/n is out here and wants to leave", he spoke and hear some sound like the person was moving.

"I will be there soon! Don't let her go", the person cut the call where bob walk near y/n.

"Miss your car is coming! Why don't you go inside, it's cold here", bob try but she shake her head.

She was rubbing her feet on eachother while holding her arms tightly and eyes looking down.

Y/n look up when she hear her car sound coming from side. The guard pull her car in the drive way then came out to give the keys to bob.

She tried walking towards him but a hand pull her back making her fall on a chest. She look up and a surprise came on her face.

"Leave so soon, angel?", jimin spoke in his deep voice making her gulp.

"Seeing you still able to stand made me think that boys didn't go hard on you!! ", he look down at her eyes making her cheeks burn red.

"I want to go home", she try to pull out but he hold her tightly.

Jimin lean down to bite her neck making her close her eyes tight in pain. She whimper as his teeth sting deeper.

Jimin let her skin off with a lick then look back at her.

"Remember running of is over now!! I will break your legs if you dare to make this stunts again!", he warn while gripping her throat.

She gasp and chock as his finger stop her air circulation. She looks at him with tears as he smirk.

"Pl-please", she whisper as she gasp loudly.

Jimin's eyes travel down on her face to her lips. He lick his own while looking back at her tear full eyes. He stop holding then cup her jaw.

He lean down again to attach on her red lips and bite then making her groan as blood flow out. She push his shoulder while whinning.

Jimin move back then grin as her blood flowing down her lip,on her chin. Her fingers move to touch but he hold them. His tongue came to give a lick while eyes meeting her.

Y/n sob as he move her hair back then kiss her cheek before looking down at her.

"This will make you remember that you are now ours to love , hurt and please!! Also go back home to your family cause once your deal is over then you won't be able to leave any of our room ", he darkly spoke making her gave a small nod.

Jimin who couldn't control himself move back to kiss her softly while hand holding her closer.

Y/n sigh into his kiss and melt but then she move back. Her eyes avoid his and walk back. Jimin this time let her.

"I need to go", she whisper then turn to go but stop.

"We will call you and you have to come ", his words were commanding.

Y/n nod then walk but stop again as jimin hold her. She looks back at him to see him kneeling down to help her wear her heels which bob bought for her.

Jimin stood up again then pull her phone out infront and forward it. Y/n took it slowly and look at him .

"Your location is on!! Don't close it, this will help if something happens", he softly say and wrap her coat on her shoulder then walk her towards her car.

Jimin open the car door then help her in and pull the seatbelt on for her. His face was soo near her making it hard for her to look away.

He made eyes contact with her then lean to kiss her nose while smiling.

"Drive safely", he says then close the door back.

Y/n shakingly turn the car and look back at him from her window. She sign as her chest fill the pain and turn to start riding out of there.

Jimin watch as the car start moving then ride out of the gate. He move his hand in his pocket then whisper.

"We will be waiting for you, angel", he sigh as her car left his view.

"You shouldn't have let her go", he spoke loudly as soobin walk near him.

Soobin stood beside him then look at the way y/n left them.

"She was crying in her sleep and murmured sound like she was begging to let her father live", soobin says with hurtful.

"She can't help him!! ", jimin whisper as soobin kept silent.


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