chapter 58

287 13 3

Ruby's pov-

"Ruby!! Wake up!! We are running late!! Rubyy", aera shake me to wake up making me groan and open my eyes.

I look up at her in annoying ,she just smile at me and pull me to seat up on the bed.

"Come on sleeping beauty!! You are late!!", she says making me turn to see it already 7: 15.

My eyes widened as they can't believe the time. I move up faster and run to get inside the washroom with the clothes and towel.

 I move up faster and run to get inside the washroom with the clothes and towel

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"Ruby slow down it's okay!", aera shout behind me.

Soon I took a quick shower and run to make the bed but aera had already done it.

"Ohh thank you so much", i smile at her while she pull me to seat down on the bed.

"Your welcome but seat still! Let me change your bandage", she remove my wet bandage then clear my wounds.

"Aren't we getting late to make breakfast?", i asked while looking at the time.

She look up from applying medicine and smile at me.

"Nope all the members of both groups are having an secret meeting till lunch so we are good!!", she responds making me smile.

"But till then we have to clean the library room !!", aera gave me a look.

"What?", i asked.

"You will understand once you will see", she says with a whine.

"Okay ", i responded with a giggle.

She put cotton then tape the bandage over before moving the thing back in the box and move to keep them in drawer.

I stood up to follow behind her out of my room then lock it before she took me towards downward to the main floor.

"Where is library ?", i whisper but aera turn to look at me.

"Study room, library, gym, cinema room then gaming room with public pool and many other room are on the left side of East wing!!", she said while I nod in confusion.

"It's okay to not understand now but you will come around soon", she chuckle while looking at my face.

I blush and look down while she take me to the other direction of the kitchen and we pass by many different big double door then took stairs going to the third level.

When we were taking a turn i heard some footsteps behind me and turn to look but no one was there.

I move my eyes to see but then aera call me to follow up.

"Ruby come fast!", aera shout for me to join up.

I move towards her then she took my hand and led me towards a hallway where a single double door was closed.

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