chapter 38

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Au's pov-

There was knocked on the door. The man in the office look up from his desk to see women entering inside.

"They are back at their room!", spoke.

"That girl?", he asked.

"She is with them!!", she responds.

Jae look at her confusion about her still being with them.

"Do they know?", he asked.

"I don't think so but they refused to send her back to her room!! ", answer.

"Did areum notify anything unusual?", jae questioned.

"She said that once ruby was with them no one called her or let her enter!! Even while going back from the ship they were holding her securely!", says.

"They must find out soon if not now! Other girl? She needs to be under observation too !", jae says while looking at

"Both of them are with the group members and they wouldn't let them go!!", said.

"Do one thing! You go and asked personally to send them back to know what do they do! ", jae says while nodded in understanding.

"Also if they asked about me then say I am busy for the last day arrangement!", jae added. said yes then took her leave from the office while jae close his eyes and lean back on his chair. move her way to the evaluator then enter the floor where BTS members were staying.

Scanning her thumb print the door open on the floor where the guards were standing at every five steps.

Some of them turn to look at her when she move passing them till the centre door where one stop her.

He roam his hand on her body to check if she was having any weapon on with her then let her go forward where sejin was waiting for her.

" state the reason for your arrival!", sejin spoke with his eyes roam on her.

"I need to talk with sir kim about ruby whereabouts of the night!", she responded.

Sejin nod then move inside the door while she looks at the side. She made eyes contact with areum who had join her side.

Both look at the front where sejin open the door again to let them enter. Sejin eyes areum like she had committed a crime.

Sejin close to door with a thud to make both of them jump from the sudden sound in the silence room. clear her throat before moving towards the couch where sir Seokjin and sir namjoon with sir yeonjun and sir taehyun were seating.

All of them have removed their coat and were in normal clothes. Four of them look at the duo with nothing but a lot was going through their mind.

"Sir kim !! Good afternoon!", greet them while bowing a bit.

Jin nodded in yes then keep looking at them without any word making them both look at each other in awkward.

"S-sir I got to know that ruby wasn't send back to her room after the night?", asked after shuttering a bit.

"Yes we didn't!", taehyun spoke.

"May i know why?", asked in fear as both Seokjin and namjoon look like a dead devils.

" we will take care of our girl by ourselves and you don't need to worry about her from now on!", Seokjin said.

She was going to says something but stop as namjoon rise his hand to stop her.

"You see !! We can take care of her and won't send her back for you to hide her from us!!", yeonjun response.

" can you convey our message for jae to come see us now?", namjoon said with no room left to say no.

"S-sir kim, sir jae is busy for tha arrangement for tomorrow but maybe he can take some time at event happening!", says with a doubtful voice.

Namjoon look at her then nodded in agreement but didn't says anything. gulp then bow before leaving the room with feeling suffocating with the tension. came back to the evaluator then let out her breathe she was holding from them eyeing her like hulk.

She came back at the floor where jae was hiding in his personal small study room.

She put the code then the door open where jae was sipping his wine. He look up at her coming inside.

"Sir they want to meet you", says while standing infront for him.

"Why ?", jae asked scared.

"They want to talk personally about ruby being with them and I don't think they know about it yet!", she said.

"We shouldn't take any chance!! Send bongun here ! Maybe we can avoid them till the evening ", jae exclaimed. sigh then move out of the office. She was irritate with what he was doing.

Firstly he didn't hear of them to not touch her then now he is hiding like a puppet. close the door then turn to go but a bat was hit hard on her head making her yell.

She hold her head which was throbbing in pain while her legs moving with her vision getting blurry.

She look up at the finger standing tall without able to see his face. She feel someone holding her then taking her somewhere before she lose her consciousness.

Jae was unaware about her assistant being taken from outside of the door he was in.

The man with bat look at the door last time before going behind the guards taking with them.

They all move from the back down to get near the cars waiting for them. There was a girl being wrapped in tapes in the backseat while another one was wearing a caretaker clothes.

Three of them were taken in the first car while another car follow with a boy tied behind in the trunk.

Two cars move like they weren't kidnapping anyone with few guards looking at them passing by.

Jae was getting irritating from bong un not joining him yet. His mind was telling him about something being wrong but he didn't believe.

He stood up after drinking all the wine from the glass and got up to fill another from the cupboard on the wall.

Suddenly he saw some smoke coming in the room. He look back at the door to see it's coming between the space down.

He panick while letting the glass fall on the floor to get near the drawer to pull his gun out.

"Who is there?? Stop this instance", he shouted but still the air was filled with the smoke .

Jae stop breathing through his nose and move his hand to shoot towards the door.

He couldn't stop more and took a deep breath but cough out as the feeling of smoke burn through his lungs with breathing.

His head roll with his body swinging from his vision not being clear. He move back to get brushed with he table and fall while the gun move away from his hold.

He hit his head on the floor where his body lost control. His eyes move up to see few mens with mask coming inside to take his gun and move towards him.

His eyes closed as they took him from there while careful to not seen by anyone from the building.

The guards took him to a car and wrapped his hand and legs with the rope tight securely to leave marks.

The cars start moving with a men looking at it going from there. He smirk in victory as he noticed how jae were taken away.


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