chapter 95

144 9 0

Au's pov-

"Sir,there wasn't anyone else found in that burn room!!", head police officer says.

"Anything that was found unusual?", soobin asked.

"A broken pieces of vase and a locker room open where we found lots of file burnt", he responded making soobin nod.

"Okay you can leave!!", soobin says as the officer left from there.

Soobin bite his teeth then turn to look at their girl seating between jin and jimin with blank face.

He walk near then seat down beside namjoon who rise his eyebrows. He shake his head that no one was found there.

After few minutes sejin enter the living room where they all sat.

"Sir i got the response from Mrs.camile", sejin response as y/n lean back on jin.

Jin wrap his arm around her shoulder while jimin hold their hand together in his lap.

"She responds that alice came there to talk with her father! They were discussing about ms.y/n becoming the next queen when alice broke a vase on his head", sejin speak carefully as he eye y/n who didn't gave a reaction.

"Go on", namjoon alter him.

"When mrs.camile came to help him robert who was with them push her aside where she hit her head and blank out", sejin response.

"Footage clip?", suga asked.

"Delete but we got one where alice and robert were going out with king !!", sejin turn to look at ace who came yelling.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING THERE!!", he was literally glaring dragger but boys all ignored him.

"You, y/n, you know that his life was in troubles but you still kept being selfish and let him get hurt!!", ace point at y/n who just gave him a look without speaking anything.

"Ace ,watch what you are speaking", taehyung warn him.

"Ohh getting hurt when i pointed out at your bitch?? You are same as her, selfish knowing that king was going to die yet still keep fearing that your so call company will go Bankrobe!", he mock them.

Namjoon who was silently looking at him stood up making ace turn to look at him. He was fearing but didn't let it show on his face.

"Us going bankrobe? Where did you get to know that?", he asked making ace gulp.

He hit himself in his mind to let his tongue slip something like this infront of them.

"And why did you lie that you got a call saying that basement was blast?", namjoon tease as he walk near him.

"I-i got that call!!", ace shutter out.

"But then you said alice came when you were going there!! Didn't you stop to ask her why she did that?", sejin says making ace glare at him.

"Your call record show that you were calling robert from time to time!! And keeping an eye on y/n?", taehyun says.

"No i didn't!!", ace look at namjoon who stop infront of him.

Namjoon rise his hand making him finch as he hold his collar.

"You know where they are!! No one else knows where she was staying but you did!!", namjoon whisper in his deel voice.

"I-i don't know", ace speak in his low voice.

"Then why were the file in the cabinet burn even through they were locked in a fireproof safe?", namjoon spoke making him confused.

But he didn't get to speak or yell as a bullet shot passing his heart. Ace drop down with his mouth open and blood flowing out of his lips.

Namjoon grit his teeth shoot him again in his forehead before turning back to look at sejin.

"Track his last call and the car present there in the footage clip!! I want them in 12 hours!", namjoon spoke in his deep voice as sejin nodded.

But their eyes turn to look at y/n when her phone start ringing on the table infront of them.

Y/n move her head off jin's shoulder the unlock her hand from jimin and get her phone. The name made her angrily and quickly picks up.

"Alice..", y/n growl but stop as she heard a small giggle on the other side.

"Good that you know it's me!!", she responds.

"Where is dad? ", y/n ask but jin move her phone and hold it on a loud speaker.

"Somewhere alive waiting for you to meet him last time", she laugh loudly making y/n grit her teeth.

"You will regret this!",  she warn her.

"Who me? Tsk tsk...might be you the one who will regret if you didn't reach here in half and hour", alice mock her.

"Where the hell are you?", y/n scream.

"Your home!! Where your dad will be hanging same way as your mom!", alice cut the call.

Y/n was now trembling in fear and angry towards alive cause she knows that y/n can't step inside that mansion anymore.

Her mind ring around the voice of her mother where she was found dead in the middle of the living room, hanging on the rope attached with the ceiling.

Small y/n crying from where her mother made her hide till her father came back with tears in his eyes. Both came to look at her mother laying lifeless on the floor where guards surrounding them.

She remembers how her father was crying and screaming at her stepmom cause the one who was supposed to die that night was camile not mia.

Jin pull her closer but y/n shrugged off his hand and stood up. She took a few step while fisting her hand.

"Where are you going?", namjoon asked.

"To kill her!! ", she replied.

Jimin try to stop her but she push him away.

She walk near the last couch but hoseok stood up and hold her shoulder then push her on the couch with his hand wrap around her neck.

She looks at his deep dark eyes glare into her own with strictness. Her lips trembling and hand hold his to stop him from tighten.

"Didn't we warn you to not pull this stunts again?", his voice leave vernon.

"He is .....", she tried but stop and gasp loudly.

Namjoon move near them then look down her face with a anger.

"You won't leave without us or even lift you fucking gun till any of us said too do !", he looks right into her eyes to make her feel every single words.

She sob as her breathing became heavy till hoseok move his hand off her throat making her cough. He pull her to seat up and lean on his chest while rubbing her back to calm her.

"We will help you till death, sunshine", hoseok whisper as he rub her back.

Her fingers grip his shirt as her face buried deep in his neck and take shakey breathe to calm down.

"Please help me..", she said in such a soft tone that he might have missed if he wasn't this near her.

"We will..", hoseok kiss her side head then wrap her in a warm hug.


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