chapter 47

223 11 1

Ruby's pov-

I don't know what this boys were doing with feeding me and holding on to keep me seated on the chair.

I was gulp down all the food hoseok was feeding while suga was enjoying his coffee and his hand on my thigh.

I move my legs but cough out as suga dig his nails in my skin. Hoseok rub my back while suga smirk and move to get me a glass of juice.

"Careful kitten", he said while pulling the glass near my lips.

I took a sip then move back while hoseok look at suga.

"Hyung is teasing my sunshine? Aww is daddy being mean darling", hoseok whisper while his hand travel on my another leg.

I tried to close my legs but both of them parted it while suga move his hand up and down making goosebumps appear on my body.

Suga look at me while i try to avoid making eyes contact as his finger move to my centre making me jump back in my seat.

Hoseok was holding me back while suga was caressing the centre slowly and seducing his fingers to feel my heat.

I hold his wrist to stop him but he pressed harder making her gasp and look at his face desperate to stop.

"You are being such a tease suga look how our girl can't get enough of you!", hoseok whisper while moving my hair back.

Suga giggle while eyeing me as I bite my lips to not let out a sound while his fingers move deep.

I close my legs but his hand didn't stop to press and continue betting on my heat making me jump and whine.

"Not a sound kitten or I won't go easy on you tonight!", suga warn while biting my earbuds.

Suddenly we heard a clearing throat sound of the side and look up at taehyung who was surpassed a chuckle while his eyes were amusing.

Suga and hoseok look at him while taehyung shake his head then guesture towards others. Suga sigh and move his hand of but didn't take it off my thighs.

While hoseok continue to feed me and i keep eating silently until the bite feel hard to swallow.

I can feel a hard graze from the side of the room which seems unable to avoid at any cost.

Curiously enough to look at the side of the room where a brown hair girl was standing with another two girl from the morning was sure enough was killing me with that eyes.

Even knowing that i was looking she didn't fade and keep glaring at me with fully hate and dangerous look. Her jaw was clinched while her hand was fisting white on her apron tell me that she was indeed angry.

I look back at the spoon when suga grip tighten and open my mouth but my eyes move back to the girl who scroff then divert her eyes off me.

Soon the feeding and eating came to an end while namjoon announced the time to go.

All the members stood up to go with me moving to the side beside aera who was scared shit less from the start when hoseok pull me to seat on the chair.

She gave me a small awkward smile in the moment but then bow her head like avoid looking up.

"Uhh ", a clearing throat sound made me look back at front to see jin standing there.

I gulp before moving back but stop as he grip on my hand and move it up to kiss it while his eyes stuck on mine face.

I breath deeply while trying not to make a sound as he softly move back then come near me.

"Breakfast taste good princess!! ",  he whisper out make me look at his lip then back at his eyes.

"Make sure to prepare a lot for lunch and dinner, okay?", he asked while looking at my lips as i lick them and nod.

I didn't dare to say a word cause my throat seem to be formatted a knot to not alter a word out.

"See you in evening!", he smile then move to kiss my forehead then back away to go out.

I was looking at him move on and didn't notice another person standing there, eyeing me with a smirk.

"Hyung will be back babygirl !!", namjoon spoke making me jump and look at him standing there.

"Till then don't get in troubles okay!", he said while pulling me closer to his body then gave a slow kiss near my lips.

I feel my mouth open in awe and eyes closed as he kiss then move back. I didn't look up and let my hair cover my face.

He chuckled then gave a kiss on my jaw then move back while looking at me.

"Bye babygirl", he says while following behind jin but I look at the shoes coming in my view.

A hand reached out to hold my chin to make me look up at taehyung who had a smile on his face.

"Be a good girl while we are away!! And don't get hurt!",  he said while looking at my lips.

I bite my lip but he growl and pulling his thumb over my lip to release it.

"It our job to bite bear ! Don't do it yourself or I won't be able to let you go!", he says while looking at me in the eyes.

But then he giggle then kiss my nose then a gave me a wink back before going after namjoon.

Jimin and jungkook have already left to get fresh before getting ready to go out yet suga and hoseok were still with me in the dinning room.

I look back at hoseok who pull me closer towards himself then gave me a peck on my eyes then on nose and then on cheek.

I blink while looking at his face as he smile then put the strap of hair behind my ear.

"Don't give a hard time and be safe!! Yoongi hyung will be at home working in his room!! Make sure to go to him if anything needed or happen, alright??",  he asked.

I nodded in agreement then look at suga who smile while looking at me with his hands in his trousers pants.

"I will miss you sunshine!", hoseok says while giving a last kiss then he too left from there with suga.

I sigh while body shivering down then divert my eyes on maria who look as if she had seen a ghost.

But she look away then move to get out of the room with that girl who was glaring at me with her two friends.

The workers present there run faster to get the dishes to wash them while I turn to look at aera who was looking at the close door.

"You are in a deep shit ruby!! I have never seen any of the boys act like this to anyone ever! ", she whisper but i was able to heard from her.

She look at me and gave me a warning look before coming close.

"But don't worry I am with you!", she whisper then gave me a hug.

I feel like I didn't know how to breathe but then i wrap my hand around her making her hug me tightly.

She pull back then look at me.

"Come we need to get back and you have to prepare lunch!", with that she pull me by my hand to get back to the private sector of kitchen.


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