Side Story 15

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Even if she insisted she was my daughter, I would have dismissed her as spouting nonsense and promptly escorted her out of the gate.

It wasn't until I laid eyes on her that I comprehended why May had come rushing to me in a bewildered state.


With her neatly parted golden hair, she bore a striking resemblance to me during my younger days. If only her hair had been navy, she could have been my own.

All eyes in the lobby fixated on me.

Among the onlookers stood my father, the previous Marquis of Lavirins.

Despite his less-than-fatherly demeanor, he managed to vex me.

I hesitated but eventually refuted her claim.

"I never had a daughter like you."

"Why do you pretend not to know me?"

At that moment, I sensed a subtle shift in their gazes.

No, this couldn't be my daughter!

Had I unwittingly let my temper get the best of me in my sleep, leading to these bizarre occurrences?

It was then that Reynos emerged, accompanied by an imperial doctor.

Baffled by the inexplicable tumult, he paused upon seeing the child who bore an uncanny resemblance to me standing in the center.

In an instant, a mischievous grin crossed the child's face.

She promptly clung to my back, peering over my shoulder with a curious expression.

"Mommy, who is that guy?"


While they assumed she was Reynos's daughter, the former Marquis Lavirins recoiled in shock.

Thud! The imperial doctor fumbled and dropped the medical tools he had brought along.

Meanwhile, Reynos appeared devastated, tears streaming down his face.

This was absurd, utterly insane.

She couldn't be my daughter!

I never bore a daughter like her!

Frustration surged within me, yet the child continued to smile.

"Daddy's crying again. Daddy!"

With that, she sprinted toward Reynos and embraced him.

What on earth is she doing?!


Chaos ensued as the child casually referred to both Reynos and me as Mommy and Daddy.

The former Marquis Lavirins exited the room, supported by his hired help, appearing as if he might faint at any moment.

Though we were engaged, it wasn't as if he had uncovered a premarital pregnancy. He seemed devastated, possibly thinking I had been concealing a five or six-year-old daughter from him all along.

May, accompanied by the butler, swiftly corralled the hired help to ensure this revelation didn't spread among other families. I returned to my room with the child and Reynos, determined to unravel the mystery.

Amidst the confusing situation, the imperial physician would have to wait.

"So, I'm your mom, and Ray is your dad?"


The child nodded so enthusiastically that her pigtails swirled around.

Still bewildered, I opted for an open-minded approach.

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