Chapter 119

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I froze in the same position I'd been petting the crown prince doll. Leather turned to my frozen form and said urgently.

"Judging by the lack of soldiers, His Highness must have come alone."

That meant he hadn't come to capture me, but I still couldn't compose myself. Why is Reynos here? Why is he here? Why is he here? Why is he here?

At that moment, there was a commotion at the guild entrance. Somehow, the other guilds had realized that the crown prince was here and had come to protect me!


My eyes immediately became dizzy. I wonder what Reynos would think of me if he saw that.

'He'll think I'm a very cruel guild master.'

It was a tarnished image, but I hated it nonetheless.

I tossed the crown prince doll down and hurriedly concealed my identity, walking out at breakneck speed.

At the guild entrance, the other Dark Guild members were already surrounding Reynos and threatening him.

"Why do you want to take our master away from the imperial family!"

"I would rather you kill us and go!"

"You won't lay a finger on our master until you kill us all!"

I pushed my way through them, holding back the urge to cry with shame, and stood before Reynos, who was calmly waiting for me through all the insults, and spoke calmly.

"Greetings, little sun of the Empire, you sought me out."

Reynos glared at me, then averted his gaze and covered the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. His cheeks and ears were flushed red from the cold.

After a few moments of silence, he spoke up.





That was it. What? Isn't this usually when you say why you're here?

I waited with bated breath for him to get to the point.

Meanwhile, the guild members of the Ciel Love Manipulators and other Dark guilds, with the exception of Leather behind me, were glaring at Reynos as if to say, "If you dare to speak bullshit to our master, we will not let you off the hook."

There was a stifling silence.

Suddenly, the guild doors burst open.

What's this. As I stiffened in embarrassment, Rublet rushed in and stood between me and Reynos. He seemed to protect me from Reynos, but he had forgotten to dress up as a guild member of the Grim Reaper.


"Duke Justice!"

Rublet's job is to provide law and order in the capital, so the members of the Dark Guilds knew his face. When he was a Grim Reaper, he wore raggedy clothes and smeared something on his face, so they didn't recognize him.

'What the hell...'

I gaped like an idiot under my mask at the strange turn of events. In the meantime, Rublet shot at Reynos in a cocky tone.

"Why has Your Highness sent for the Master?"

"His Majesty ordered me to bring them."

Reynos, who had lost all the red in his face at the sight of Rublet, replied coldly. Not to be outdone, Rublet responded quickly.

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