Chapter 27

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Successive royal family members took medicine to alleviate the curse of the evil dragon while the ruby moon surfaced.

However, Reynos was born with a particularly strong evil dragon curse, so he usually took the medicine and had a hard time in his specially manufactured room during the ruby moon period.

In the process, he went out for this festival with an unexpected incident and ended up becoming an evil dragon.

'Tyriel calmed him down with her powers.'

Having saved people's lives, Tyriel truly became a star. On the basis of this episode, the opinion that had opposed Tyriel until then, how to pair a bastard child with the crown prince, no matter how much of a purifier she was, was shrugged off.

'I don't want to make Tyriel a star.'

Why did Reynos go outside?

I looked back at the original story eagerly, but could not recall well because it was not a part of the story that I treated with any specific weight.

Initially, the Ruby Moon Festival episode was there to promote Tyriel in a determined way.

Come to think of it.

'Why am I groaning alone?'

Isn't the person in charge right in front of me.

I decided to ask him myself.

"Your Highness, will you come out of the palace during the festival?"


"I hope you don't come out if there's nothing going on. It's hard."

"A day or two is fine."

When he folded the ends of his eyes while fluttering his golden eyelashes, a charming and pretty smile was completed.


It was obviously a man who wanted to ask me out, so I hurriedly turned my eyes to avoid falling into temptation.

"We can go on a date later."

"It feels different at festivals."

"Your Highness, um- it could be bad."

"I won't let my lady worry about anything."

I didn't think it would be easy to talk with the smile.

I wrapped my cold cup in my hands and wondered how to persuade him, then decided to speak frankly as it was.

"Actually, I am a little worried. Your Highness will adjust well, of course, but when the time comes that you have to get help from Tyriel, and if that happens...


Reynos nodded, spitting out something that sounded like an exclamation, as if he knew my concern about the situation.

Then he continued talking with more heat than before, with a smile on his face.

"I'll never ask her for help. So you don't have to worry."

There was a confidence in his voice as he said this.

As I knew the future, I was extremely anxious, but I had nothing to say when I came out there.

If someone who knows better than anyone else that turning into an evil dragon is a disaster, there's something to believe in to that extent. Unlike the original, he even came out to date me, so things were different.

But not until I learned that the idea was wrong.

"Lady Lavirins, what kind of lizard is this animal?"

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