Chapter 153

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A chill filled the air as the ledger was brought in.

The atmosphere was tense, and no one dared to speak, afraid of drawing any unwanted attention. Marquis Cherish, having received the ledger from Gerald, stepped forward and politely presented it to the Emperor, who was already prepared for this moment.

Silence engulfed the room as the Emperor opened the Estalot ledger and began reading from the first page.

The nobles watched with trepidation, knowing that imperial knights stood guard at the ballroom doors.

This was no ordinary celebration of Cherish's engagement; it was a covert operation to root out those involved in the illegal trade of the Estalroot herb.

The presence of Cherish and the enigmatic Prince at the wedding was unsettling, and the reason became apparent.

The Emperor's eyes scanned the ledger with stern determination, causing anxiety to wash over the assembled nobles like a tidal wave.


The Emperor closed the ledger, which seemed to echo like thunder in the tense room.

Without turning his head, he spoke in a commanding tone.

"Crown Prince."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I hereby bestow upon you full authority over this matter. Ensure that every last one of these abominations is eradicated."

"I will do as you ask."

Reynos finished his answer and took the ledger. The emperor then left the ceremony with his chamberlain.

Soon after, Reynos began calling out the names of those who would face the consequences of their illicit actions.

"Kalet Yutra."

The eldest son of Count Yutra, renowned for his perfume business, was brought forward by the knights and prostrated.

Next came Marquis Blemis, a prominent figure in trade, and Viscount Corte, who had gained fame in the culinary world.

"Tyriel Puritina."


Gasps echoed among the nobles as the unexpected name was called. It was evident that the accusation against her was indeed genuine.

Alice, filled with pride, rejoiced as her father's name was cleared of any wrongdoing, and her admiration for Gerald, who had paved the way for this outcome, soared even higher.

Unfazed by the reactions of those around him, Reynos continued reading from the list.

"Aval Essit."

"This is unfair!"

Count Essit exclaimed, as if he had been anticipating this moment. The knights halted their approach, and the Count dropped to his knees, desperately pleading his case.

"I swear to heaven, I have never used such an herb, and even the name is new to me today!"

"Neither have I, Your Highness!"

"This is somebody's frame-up!"

One by one, those who had been apprehended by the knights proclaimed their innocence. Among them, there were accusations directed at Gerald.

"How can you trust a ledger brought to you by a commoner!"

"No doubt, he made up some ridiculous medicinal herb to flatter Marquis Cherish!"

"Your Highness, I beseech you to show me your favor!"

But their false pleas were cut short by the frosty voice of Reynos.

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