Chapter 156

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In the guest room of the Dark Guild, an unexpected scene unfolded before me.

There sat the Crown Prince of the Empire, intensely focused on sewing a demon doll.

It was an odd sight, but somehow, it suited him perfectly.

Despite claiming to be only "a little" skilled, Reynos displayed impressive sewing abilities.

I couldn't help but think that if he were an ordinary innkeeper's son, he could have made a living as a talented seamster.

As I watched him work, a playful thought crossed my mind. I vowed to myself that one day, I would teach him to sew like a hatchling. The image of him delicately working with his fern-like hands on tiny stitches made me smile.

'I wonder if he could knit?'

While lost in my thoughts, I unraveled a bunch of yarn and began wrapping it around Piik's body and horns, creating an intentionally tangled mess. As I continued to think about Reynos and his surprising talents, Piik's surgery came to an end.

Reynos had done a remarkable job. The repairs were so seamless that it was hard to spot any sign of the previous damage. He had even mended the pierced flank and other loose stitches, leaving me in awe of the newly restored Piik.

Curious to test Piik's recovery, I pressed down on the puppet's stomach with all my might.


The puppet's cries were powerful, indicating that its side had healed remarkably well.

As a bonus, I noticed Reynos flinching with a pained expression, almost as if he could feel the puppet's discomfort in his own stomach.

Undaunted, I carefully pressed on Piik here and there, ensuring that the cotton was securely in place. Satisfied with the result, I nodded my head in acknowledgment of a job well done.

"I think it's done."


Reynos breathed a sigh of relief, like someone who had just gotten out of a really important surgery.

"I could have killed the lady's-no, your precious doll."

I chuckled at the thought, imagining a scenario where Reynos, in a moment of sewing mishap, would have to create an entirely new Demon Dragon doll, or perhaps even transform into one himself to take over its role. The idea of a woman losing her beloved attachment doll was indeed unfortunate.

Nevertheless, I was delighted that Piik had grown stronger, and I hugged him tightly, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort from the little doll.

For some reason, I noticed a peculiar expression on Reynos's face as he gazed at Piik. He muttered softly,

"Good thing it's not cuter than me."


"No, nothing."

I couldn't help but wonder, "Is he jealous of a doll modeled after himself?" To test my theory, I hugged Piik even tighter, and Reynos's jealous gaze intensified.

As if to say, 'I should be there, not the doll.'

'I'll be in trouble if he finds out there's a prince version of the doll.'

I resolved to never tell Reynos the truth, especially that I had practiced kissing the doll, and I would take it to my grave.

As I was about to see him off after our confusing consultation, I asked him a question that had occurred to me.

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