Chapter 172

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Knox, on the verge of offering a sharp retort, found his voice stifled, likely due to the proximity of this space to the spirit realm rather than the material world.

In distinct detail, he could perceive the gold, black, and silver aura enveloping his sister, pulsating with a protective energy.

'Could that be... Absulekti's power?'

Wondering why Absulekti's power was there, Knox soon realized that it was the reason his sister was able to remember her previous life without going insane.

If Absulekti had been weakened, if his charms hadn't worked on her, then the majority of the demon's power must have been in her.

Knox's eyes darkened.

'Not again...'

What he had earnestly yearned for had once more been wrested away by his sister.

In his youth, all that was favorable gravitated toward him. That was the lesson imparted by his mother, and he had taken it as a given. Now, however, she had pilfered from him the fondness of the Holy Dragon, the throne, and now the potency of the Evil Dragon. Within his heart, an overwhelming sentiment of inadequacy surged like molten lava.

In that instance, Knox's gaze shifted to Shade, who remained in a daze.

Shade's fledgling demons had vanished long ago, while Ciella's fierce demons fought with relentless determination to lay claim to his form.

It was the final curtain.

Succumbing to an inner desolation, Knox clenched his teeth and shut his eyes in abject despair.

He and the Second Prince had attacked her, hoping to absorb her Labyrinth, but they had failed, which meant that she was now absorbing the Second Prince's Labyrinth.

However, upon checking the wall, the two labyrinths were merging into one, indicating that they were quite unstable.

Realizing this, Knox came up with a plan to strike a blow to Ciella, the owner of the two labyrinths.

If he did this, he would surely be destroyed.

'But that doesn't mean I can just sit back and let her get away with it.'

Having concluded his calculations, Knox lunged towards the body of the Second Prince, only to be caught off guard by an enormous forepaw that materialized out of nowhere, sending him tumbling to the ground.


- Keuk...

- Weak. It doesn't taste good either.

Cerberus grinned as he smashed Knox with his forepaw like he was playing ball.

Ciella, who didn't want Knox to die so easily, frowned and advised.

"Don't eat him."

- ...In the spirit of brotherly love, I'll give you one last piece of advice, sister.

Barely able to compose himself, his face contorted in excruciating pain, Knox let out a ragged breath.

-You could lead a far more gratifying existence if you shifted your outlook slightly. People would prostrate themselves at your feet, swearing unwavering allegiance.


- Though he has lost his powers, Absulekti is loyal to your word, so whatever you want, he will gladly bring it to you. Why would you do this when there is a way to make your life easier?


- If you don't like to get blood on your hands, or anything like that, I'll do it for you. I'll take care of all the dirty work, and you'll only see and hear the good things. And-

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