Chapter 92

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The more he thought about it, the more he laughed. Ciella would only see this hilarity in print.

Thus ended the relationship between Essit and Alfred.

No more businessmen, no more tricksters in businessmen's clothing, no more fooling around with a baron's herbs.

It had never been so easy to mess with Essit.

'To hear my mother tell it, it seemed like an impregnable rock castle that could never be broken.'

If he had known this, he would have joined hands with Ciella long ago, before his mother did this ridiculous thing.

The thought of my mother in prison, waiting to die, depressed him. No, now was not the time to think about that. He shook his head to dismiss the feeling.

In the distance, he could see Essit standing tall.

All the lights were off now, as everyone was sleeping, but they'd be lit up soon.

He couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he heard that his heir apparent had gotten into a dogfight with the head of one of their most important trading partners.

Barely able to contain his excitement, Gerald crossed the gates of Essit.


Sometime after that. Duval, who hadn't taken a step out of his room after a bloody fight with Baron Alfred, and was on probation, came barging into Leila's room, scowling.

"Brother, are you out of your mind! I heard you ran off with Baroness Alfred, are you insane, how could you do such a thing!"

Leila nervously tossed the letter she was holding. Duval recognized the stamp on the envelope at a glance.

It was the coat of arms of Rema, a social flower that only the children of prestigious families were allowed to enter.

He remembered it well, as Leila had recently sung about wanting to join the Rema after meeting with one of its members.

"How could I have put my application in here, but I got a letter saying that no one from a dirty old family can join, so what are you going to do?"

"Even if it wasn't for that, you wouldn't have gotten in."

"That's what you call it now?!"

Leila stomped her foot in exasperation.

"Everywhere I go, it's all about you, and I'd rather not be found out, what is this? I'm too embarrassed to even call you my brother anymore!"

"Shut up and get out."

"Do I look like I can shut up now?! I can't carry my face around because of you, and the young men who thought I was good to have disappeared. What am I going to do now? What am I going to do now?!"

"Shut up and get out of here!"

"What's the fuss."

Count Essit appeared behind Leila. His eyes were so cold that even Leila, who had been so excited, took a step back in horror.

Behind him stood Gerald, a shadowy figure, one cheek swollen red.

He had been beaten for failing to stop Duval's madness.

"I asked you to be still for God's sake, and now you can't stand it and are making a fuss again?"

"It's not my fault, father."

Duval dropped to his knees in a panic.

"Leila came to my room and argued with me. I clearly warned her to leave, but Leila-"

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