Chapter 154

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Marquis Lavirins, who had stood stunned at the news that Lavirins had been made a duke, repeated dumbfoundedly, and then bowed his head at the Emperor's stern glare that followed.

"Yes, yes. I was thinking of retiring soon anyway."

Oh, never mind retirement. Spit in his mouth and lie. I grumbled to myself, knowing the truth.

After Lavirins was treated as a duke family, he was working so hard that he lost his hair because of any change in his mind.

He now wore a custom-made partial wig because I had cut off half of his remaining hair with scissors, and that must have caught the Emperor's eye.

The emperor looked at the marquis's fake hair with a pitying look and asked.

"Then why don't you retire today?"


Stunned, the Marquis tilted his head, but when he made eye contact with the Emperor, he immediately bowed.

"Is it too early?"

"Ah, yes. It seems too early for today, so-"

The Marquis stammered and stopped when he saw the look in my eyes. But only for a moment, before he lowered his gaze and continued with a slightly sheepish expression.

"So today... seems to be too early-"

Then he saw what I was doing and stopped talking. I rolled my eyes and made a gesture of cutting his hair with a pair of hand-made scissors.

'If you don't retire immediately, I will shave your head as soon as we get home.'

Marquis Lavirins' pupils twitched wildly, having already lost his hair once.

However, he didn't say that he would retire right away, as if he was still too weak.

When the other nobles weren't looking, I made a sleeping gesture with my hands, and again made a motion to cut off my hair.

'It's no use running away, I'll do it in your sleep.'


'I'm going to shave your eyebrows, and I'm going to pluck all your eyelashes.'

I squared my hand scissors over my eyebrows. I pretended to pluck each lash, one by one.

'And if you want to walk around, you can try to hold on.'

The Marquis, now realizing that I was not going to back down, took in the Emperor's words.

"I see, then the formal knighthood will be conferred later-"

"No, Your Majesty. I intend to retire this very day."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. My daughter is very bright, and she's gained enough experience as a minor marquis in the meantime, so I'm stepping down."

Whew, good.

If he persisted, I would have tried to get rid of all his hair, but I succeeded to the title without any problems.

I jerked my head forward, wondering when the Marquis had noticed me, and locked eyes with Reynos, who was smirking at me.

By the look on his face, he'd been watching the whole thing.


For a moment, my mind went blank.

I'd always wanted to be pretty for Reynos, even though he'd already seen the ugly, but still- I was holding back as much as I could...

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