Side Story 13

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"This time, I'll make sure to watch closely to ensure there are absolutely no side effects. Hurry and contact the Duke to come here."


Reynos refused without a moment's hesitation, for if I showed myself in front of the wizard, there was a good chance he would recognize me as a dragon.

"If there's a third party, the demon may not exert its full power, and the magical device may not function properly."

"Still, just in case..."

"I'll try it, and if it doesn't work, I'll call for you. You've come a long way, so you should take a break."

The 627th wizard, who had hoped to get another look at Knox under the pretext of the magical device, reluctantly withdrew.

Once he was completely gone, Reynos pulled me out from under the desk.

The mere thought of using this cursed magical device to return to normal made me tense involuntarily.

I swallowed nervously.

"Shall we try it now?"

Reynos, seemingly not as nervous as I was, spoke casually.

Okay, let's try it now.

If it doesn't work, we'll have to request assistance.

I nodded vigorously and shoved my front paw in, sure that Godori was sleeping.

'Are you telling me this only functions when I'm in human form?'

Reynos, securely seated to avoid any mishaps if he lost consciousness, placed his hand on the magic tool.

"Here we go."

- Piit!

I activated the tool.

I tightly shut my eyes.

After a brief flash, the tool powered down. It seemed to work exactly as it had before.

I glared at the tool with anticipation.

Change, quickly. I need to return to my body.




Excuse me.

Why isn't there any change?

Just as the thought crossed my mind, "Is it broken?"


My heart pounded as if it might explode. It was the same intense pain I had experienced just before switching bodies in the Magic Tower.

My head spun, and my breathing quickened.

Through my blurred vision, I saw Reynos already slumped over his desk. He didn't appear to have fainted, and his body seemed to be bracing itself in case I posed any threat.

'Me too... I need to lie down...'

I jolted, releasing the thought that had slammed into something for the last time, and soon regained my senses.

I felt like I was floating on a cloud.

Slowly blinking my eyes, I realized my body was sprawled on the desk. I had returned to my original form.

"Ah, ah, ah."

The voice was also mine. Oh, I'm no longer piiking!

If it had been a few days later, I might have developed a piik trauma, so to speak, and tears welled up a bit exaggeratedly.

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