Chapter 140

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My meticulously styled hair instantly turned into a disheveled mess. Dirt stained my once pristine dress.

Though I didn't check, I was certain that my Ermetsch accessory had incurred scratches.

Thankfully, I had left my bag behind in the ballroom when I made my exit, sparing it from ruin as well.

Letting out a small sigh, I acknowledged that Rublet hadn't intended for this mishap to occur. I began to rise to my feet, but before I could act, Rublet realized my intention and firmly pressed my back to the ground, preventing me from getting up. Then, positioning himself in front of me, he assumed a protective stance.

"...Why is he so small?"

Rublet muttered, his voice filled with wariness. Apparently surprised by his sudden appearance, the young demonic dragon didn't react, only blinking in midair.

"Get off me."

I shook off Rublet's hand that was pressing down on my body and pushed myself up with both hands on the floor.

"He's not dangerous."


Rublet asked, confused by my know-it-all demeanor.

Meanwhile, the baby evil dragon that had been launching relentless attacks at Rublet, who had obstructed his path, emitted a long, piercing howl towards the sky.

- Piiiiiiiiiiiik-!

I took a deep breath.



I quickly stepped between the two of them with my arms outstretched, warning Rublet as he tried to leap forward again.

"Hold still!"

Rublet froze.

Fortunately, being in a banquet hall where weapons were prohibited worked in our favor. Otherwise, Rublet would have unsheathed his sword long ago.

In a composed tone, I addressed the baby dragon, who was puffing out its cheeks and belly, on the verge of releasing its breath.

"Your Highness."

- ...ppikkuk.

The hatchling hiccuped, hastily swallowing its breath to respond to my call. Its inflated cheeks and stomach swiftly returned to their normal state.

However, it hadn't completely swallowed the breath, causing sparks to sputter from its open mouth.

Witnessing this, Rublet flinched once again. I extended my arms, shielding Rublet with my entire body.

"Come here."

- Piiiik...

A tiny, wailing hatchling flew towards me, and I could sense Rublet's muscles tensing up behind me.

However, the hatchling remained motionless in my arms, as if it had heeded my advice to stay still.

Before I knew it, the little dragon was safely nestled in my embrace. Phew.

'Thank God.'

I let out a deep sigh and ran my fingers down its cheek, eliciting a contented purr reminiscent of a happy cat. In response, the hatchling affectionately nuzzled its cheek against mine.

Surprised by our intimate behavior, Rublet muttered.

"What... is this?"


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