Chapter 102

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Having said this, he covered his face once more. He shuddered and muttered in a choked voice.

"I wanted to give you this."

He placed a box on the table, which, upon inspection, turned out to be a dietary supplement.

No, why this?

'Is he Reynos?'

I stared through cloudy eyes at the man who reminded me so strangely of Reynos. Our gazes met, and he dropped his gaze in a huff.

"You seem to be struggling so much these days- no, I mean, you don't seem to be taking care of yourself, and neither does this- well, not this- so I'm telling you to eat... and get healthy."


"... Hm?"

The man who had been stammering his excuses in a barely intelligible voice lifted his gaze. Not avoiding his eyes, I asked sternly.

"Why are you giving me this, out of the blue?"

I mean, if you had taken care of me from the beginning, what's so unfortunate about the topic that usually blows cold air. I let my displeasure show and pushed the supplements toward him. I crossed my legs, crossed my arms, and spoke directly to him.

"Are you giving me special treatment because I'm a woman? Don't do that."

The man was stunned for a moment. Then he changed his tone and quickly conceded.

"Oh, um. I apologize. But I didn't give it to you because you're a woman. It's just-it's my way of paying you back for all your counseling."

"You should have paid me for it. You didn't pay me, and you gave me this?"

"That's... I'm sorry. I didn't think of that. I'll go get it right now. I'll be right back."

I took out the evil dragon doll again and held it up, and the man got up from his seat as if to run away. I told him to take the supplements he's given me as a gift.

'This will be the last time I see him'

I don't expect him to come back. I'll be glad if he doesn't run away, but I don't know why I feel like I'm dealing with Reynos. Mmm.

After sending the man on his way, I returned to my room, feeling a bit deflated.

I was just getting ready for the lottery again when another guild member knocked on my door, announcing the arrival of a visitor.

"The Grim Reapers have received a request from someone to vandalize the restaurants in Luminous, and they want to know what to do."

"Do what?"

It was obvious who would send such a request. It would be a fool's errand.

I'd already put out an announcement to the Masters of the Dark Guilds, all of whom admired me, to notify me immediately of any requests involving Luminous.

No matter how much I disliked them, I didn't think the royal family would do such a thing.

'I can't believe they'd actually ask a Dark Guild.'

I don't know if this is royalty or thugs. I don't know how the Second Prince would have gotten himself into such a mess, but as they say.

If the water is clear above, the water is clear below.

In that sense, the Second Prince must have resembled the Queen. The current emperor was a holy man himself. Isn't he his biological child?

'Well, there are rumors that he's not actually his biological child.'

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