Chapter 131

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The people in the workshop looked at us in surprise.

I confidently entered the workshop and placed the gleaming golden libra on the table, causing it to produce a resounding thud. It was only then that Ermetsch snapped out of his frozen state and began to stammer.

"Is that....? No, more than that, Little Marquis, what brings you here?"

He seemed on the verge of saying, "Are you here to persuade me to engage in business once again? I apologize, but I am currently unable to do so."

I shrugged my shoulders, indicating that wasn't my purpose, and stepped aside to give Reynos and Rublet, who stood behind me, a clear view.

"The crown prince has arrived. Prepare to pay your respects."

Upon hearing this, Ermetsch dropped to his knees in silence, his expression a mixture of shock and annoyance. The two apparent chaperones followed suit, bringing their children down with them.

"Greetings, Crown Prince!"

"Greetings, little sun of the Empire!"

Meanwhile, the senior priest bowed his head in deference to the doctrine that "only God can bring priests to their knees." He introduced himself with a hint of embarrassment.

"I am Gilliot, a devoted servant of the Sun God."

Gilliot. His name had crossed my ears before, but not in a favorable manner.

'I hear he's the link between the Queen and the Pope.'

With that knowledge in mind, I simply introduced myself and shifted my focus to Ermetsch, the craftsman who had become preoccupied with the arrival of the influential figures.

"I've been informed that this workshop owner is seeking to determine the identity of their biological grandson, and coincidentally, I possess a tool capable of establishing paternity."


"By the way, this tool was obtained directly from the Magic Tower."


Ermetsch let out a faint exclamation.

The pact between Reynos and the Magic Tower was so renowned that it was common knowledge among both nobles and commoners.

Ermetsch presumed that Reynos must have acquired the magic tool through his association with them.

'I received it directly from Apple, but we need not discuss the details.'

I said, ignoring the mixed looks of awe and surprise.

"It's very easy to operate. All you need is a lock of hair from each of the two people you want to test. What do you say, do you want to try it?"

Ermetsch gulped dryly at the flirtatious tone, as if tempting his prey, and then Gilliot, who had remained silent until then, spoke up.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Two proofs are better than one, priest."

I was well aware that the Temple had a bad taste in its mouth.

The amount of bribes I had paid in the name of religious donations to distribute scrolls and healing potions throughout the capital was staggering.

Well, I'd gotten pretty close to some of the higher-ups in the Temple, and had succeeded in changing their view of my tools.

Anyway, I cut Gilliot off before he could complain again.

"There's a saying that goes, 'You should knock on a stone bridge before crossing it,' which means one should approach things with caution. After all, we're dealing with a child's life here. It's only prudent to proceed carefully, don't you think?"

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