Chapter 93

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Chapter 6

Not long after Duval was kicked out of Essit, Gerald sent me a letter informing me of his return.

I read the letter carefully.

[... That's how Duval got kicked out of Essit. Count Essit didn't even blink an eye at his son's demise.

In case you're wondering, Baroness Alfred has been in quarantine ever since.

She says she has no one to talk to but me, and she's been pestering me about it, but it's getting tiresome.

She says she's going to get a divorce, but alimony will be a problem...

Count Essit says he's cut off ties with Duval, and that he has nothing to do with it.

He asked me what he should do, and I suggested he go to the Ciel Love Manipulators for divorce counseling, just like you said.

But this guild is a very dangerous place, even more dangerous than the Grim Reapers, so how did you get involved with them?

I suggest you keep your distance, and never associate with them, especially the Master.

They're supposed to be the worst kind of person.

If you're in a situation you can't get out of, tell me. I'll help you in any way I can-]

I scanned the letter through cloudy eyes.

Underneath it was nothing but curses directed at the master of the Ciel Love Manipulators.


I thought I had a good image, that a dark guild master should have a force, and then Leather blah, blah, blah, and here I am.

While I was skipping through the insults directed at me, the last paragraph caught my eye.

[The Count is using me to cut a deal with Baron Alfred again.

He seems to be thinking of marrying me to Leila.

He wants us to be engaged at the time of Leila's ascension to minor countdom, and I'm willing to accept.

If she becomes Countess of Essit, I'll have more influence in Essit as her husband, and I'll be able to help you more.]

I wring my hands at the absurdity of it all. I crumpled the end of the letter.

'He's marrying Leila?'

It seemed that Gerald had completely earned the Count's trust.

He wouldn't have thought of marrying his daughter otherwise, but.

'Then I can't take him out of Essit.

It was impossible to siphon off a man who even married a family heir. And if you did, you'd be branded a traitor, forever.

Revenge is good, but it's not the right way to go.

Having taken Isabella's life hostage, I was obligated to keep him safe. I pulled out a blank sheet of paper.

[Don't say anything funny and wait.]

With a quick whip, I tied it to the leg of a bird and sent it flying to the secret location, then sent another bird to announce the location of the secret location, before burying my face in my desk.

'Gerald, you have a knack for subtly weighing people down.'

I heard he got beaten up by Count Essit for Duval's work, and he didn't even tell me about it.

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