Chapter 84

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A flying inkwell slammed into the door, its black ink splattering onto the hem of his shirt.

But Gerald did not bat an eye.

"Get out of here!"

"I only listen to the Count."

Duval gritted his teeth in frustration. He glared as if he had something else to throw.

"Baron Alfred is here."

He was interrupted by a servant's voice announcing the arrival of a visitor. A guest of Count Essit, in fact, but forced to come here because the Count was in a meeting.

"Yes, I'll leave."

He was glad he didn't have to be with the bastard.

Duval stalked out, Gerald following closely behind.

Duval scowled at him.

"Why are you following me?"

"The Count has ordered me to follow you wherever you go."

It was an extraordinary measure ordered by Count Essit to prevent Duval from getting into trouble.

He had originally given Duval a servant. But Duval beat him up and threw him out.

His only aide had lost his temper and fled, and if he had kept his daughter Leila with him, they would have sat in pairs doing nothing but fooling around.

So he'd put Gerald there as a reminder to stay alert.

"Ha, really..."

Duval clenched his molars and balled his fists. But instead of punching him like a tea servant, he meekly put it down.

Without a second thought, and headed for the parlor with Gerald bound to him.

In the parlor, besides Baron Alfred, there was another woman, a very pretty woman. It was Dana, Baron Alfred's wife, and Leather's ex-girlfriend.

Upon seeing Duval, Baron Alfred greeted him warmly.

"It's been a while, Count, and I hope you've been well."

"I've been fine, thanks to your concern. My father will be here as soon as the meeting is over. I was wondering if you would like to join us for a cup of tea."

"That would be great. I'm just wondering if I've timed it wrong."

"No. You are always welcome at Essit, Baron, but now that you mention it-"

Duval looked Baron Alfred up and down, just enough to not feel rude.

"How come you look so much younger...? You didn't come here on some kind of youth herb or something, did you?"

"Hehehe, this guy!"

Baron Alfred laughed heartily, amused by the baseless flattery. After a long pause, he turned his gaze to Gerald, who stood by Duval's side.

"And this young man?"

"This is Gerald."

After a brief greeting, Gerald bowed his head. He thought back to Ciella's letter he'd received not long ago.

'Baron Alfred, whose herbal business has helped Count Essit grow by supplying him with estalroot. She told me to keep him away from the Count somehow.'

The Baron's eyes, bright with business and the latest gossip from society, narrowed as he trailed off.

"Aha, so you're that young master of Lavirins..."

"If you'll have a seat."

Duval, not wanting to draw attention to Gerald, nudged him to a seat.

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