Chapter 142

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"And Absulekti, the evil dragon that killed humans a thousand years ago. Is that your answer?"

Rublet gritted his teeth at the shocking statement and looked up at Reynos.

It was the truth, but it didn't surprise him.

He had already guessed it to some extent, so his question was preordained.

"Are you-or, rather, what is your true purpose, to keep rising again and again to avenge the death of the princess in the founding tale?"


At the word "princess," Reynos' momentum grew more ferocious. The force of the slash from top to bottom intensified, and he muttered through clenched teeth.

"-This is not the life I wanted to live."

Rublet flinched at the realization that this was an unwanted existence. Capturing the expression on Rublet's face, Reynos interjected with a harsh voice.

"I do not know to what lengths the Duke has gone, but ever since the princess's demise, I have had no desire to live. Revenge has never crossed my mind."

"But didn't you bring destruction upon the kingdom out of anger for the princess's death-"

"That was not the sole reason."

The intensity of Reynos's anger underwent a transformation.

Previously, it had been a broad, sweeping rage directed at an unspecified multitude of individuals. Now, it took on a sharper focus, honed in on a single person.

He whispered,

"If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have gone to such lengths."

In that moment, Reynos's grip faltered, and Rublet quickly pushed his sword aside.

Regaining his composure, which had been on the brink of collapse, Rublet closed the distance between them and asked, his breath heavy.


Reynos remained silent, running a hand through his damp hair with the hand not gripping his sword, as if trying to shake off a memory he wished to forget.

It wasn't a display of wariness, yet it instilled unease in Rublet.

After briefly casting his gaze downward, Reynos muttered in a low voice,

"I don't believe I have a purpose, merely a life dictated by necessity, a life to be manipulated as desired."

Then, lifting his eyes, he uttered something only he could hear,

"But because of it, I met her. Perhaps that counts for something."

With those words, Reynos's anger dissipated completely, as if it had never existed.

Resuming his usual impassive demeanor, he tightened his grip on his loosely held sword, and his lips moved slowly as he observed Rublet's nervous swallow.

"I comprehend the Duke's concerns. However, I have no intention of acting in accordance with the world's expectations, nor do I possess the strength to do so."

"Does your lack of power have anything to do with the small size of your body?"

Reynos was silent.

There was no one in the room who did not recognize the affirmation in that silence.

Rublet pursed his lips.

He was about to ask how it happened, but the look on Reynos's face told him that the answer would not come.

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