Chapter 23

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"I'm sorry."


Reynos, who landed on the bedspread, looked at me with resentment. However, as soon as our eyes met, he was startled and dropped his eyes down.

His cheeks were a little red, so he seemed to be embarrassed. It was amazing that I could see his cheeks turning red while his whole body was covered with black scales.

Suddenly, I wanted to poke that part.

But the atmosphere was that if I just touched him, he'd run right away.

"Your Highness."


"Can I touch you?"

I tapped my cheek, meaning I wanted to touch it.

Reynos closed and opened his round red eyes a few times, and he nodded.

Permission must have been granted, as I gently stroked Reynos's red cheeks with my index finger.

The smooth, shiny black scales were hard but not cold. Instead, they were warm, as if he were sitting in front of a fireplace.

How the glossy texture felt good. Just touching it felt soothing. I involuntarily continued patting Reynos' cheeks.

Then Reynos, who had been watching my face with a hardened stand, started rubbing his cheek against my finger as if he was trying to be charming.


"Did you fly like this?"


"How did you bring your clothes?"


Reynos, who cried shortly, fidgeted with his hands and mimicked taking the clothes in his mouth. Hmmm, I don't know how strong he was, but he looked like he was having a hard time because his clothes were bigger than his body.

Perhaps reading my thoughts, Reynos gave me a look that said he would be fine, and with his clothes in his mouth, he spread his small wings and flapped them as he flew. As if telling me 'I fly well.'


In the original story, it said that every time the evil dragon flapped its wings once, dozens of people lost their lives with its waves, and now dozens were about to lose their reason.

That's how cute he was, I meant.

It was only because I was watching it, but my feelings were complicated by the sense of discrepancy from the original work. Why did I dream like this?

I am sorry, Your Highness in reality I really did not think of Your Highness in this way.

Oh, by the way.

'If he's really this big, you can really say <My Evil Dragon Doesn't Bite>.'

Contrary to the title, the original work came out as a real disaster lump.

So I was wondering why the title was so cute. Readers even said that the title should be changed to <My Evil Dragon Bites and Eats People>.

When I thought of the evil dragon in the original story, I also thought of the evil dragon's special skills. I asked Reynos.

"Can you use fire?"


Nodding, Reynos flew into empty air. Then, phew, fire erupted.

It was small in size, but it did not seem to be a common fire, as the heat could be felt even here. It seemed to resemble lava, as mentioned in the original story.

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