Chapter 174

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- Piik.

In a timid fashion, the lizard extended a flower towards me, glancing in my direction.

The gesture almost appeared as if it was concerned about my reaction... I pondered on the intelligence level of lizards.

It was a rather unusual situation.

You see, I'm not particularly fond of animals, especially those of the scaly, reptilian variety, and they usually manage to send shivers down my spine. However, the bipedal lizard standing before me was nothing short of adorable.

'I think I've seen this before.'

I knelt down on my knees and established eye contact with the lizard. As I extended my hand towards it, the creature crawled over to me, gently brushing its cheek against my hand in an affectionate manner.

The sensation was like touching a warm, smooth pebble, and it stirred a sense of nostalgia within me. It was as if I had stumbled upon something I had long forgotten...

Enchanted by this feeling, I accepted the flower that Piik offered with such care and found myself speaking as if under a spell.

"Do you want to come in?"

- Piik!

And to my surprise, the lizard-no, Piik-nodded immediately. I don't know how it understood me.

In any case, I welcomed Piik into my home. But before that, I made sure to wipe his paws meticulously with a wet towel. The last thing I wanted was paw prints all over my house.

- Piik......

Tabaktabak, he padded into the house on two paws with a long, loud piik. His red eyes widened slightly, but you'd be forgiven for thinking he was surprised by something so dirty.

Just then, ding, the doorbell rang.

- Piik!

I turned to retrieve the food, leaving Piik startled by the doorbell's chime.

The enticing aroma of the meal filled the room, and Piik, ears perked up, raised his head to sniff the air.

Arranging a table on the floor and preparing to devour the meal at a breakneck pace, I took a bite of the chicken. When I felt Piik's gaze fixed upon me, I spoke without much thought.

"Do you want to eat?"

After a moment's hesitation, Piik nodded cautiously.

I wondered if the lizard could eat the chicken, but before I knew it, my hand was scraping off the spicy bits.

I cut off a small piece of chicken and held it out to him, and he gobbled it up.

His ears twitched in rhythm with every twitch of his mouth, which was very cute.

'By the way, I think I've seen this look before...'

I furrowed my brow, wondering where I'd seen this before.

Piik's eyes suddenly widened as he pecked at the chicken, and he clutched at my clothes, shuddering as if he were trying to hold back a hiccup, then dropped his head in disbelief.

And then he started hiccuping.

- Ppii... kkuk, ppitkkuk, ppiitkkuk, ppikkuk,

Oh no, I gave him a portion without any seasoning, but he must have gotten the spicy aroma, because every time he opens his mouth, tiny sparks seem to shoot out.

Anyway, I gave him something cool that came with the fiery chicken.

He immediately grabbed it with both hands and drank it in one gulp, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

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