Chapter 69

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Justice was not a family of precognitive dreams. However, I was worried because it was the same as the original.

Rublet has something bothering him, so it's not just a dream.

Rublet, who was looking into the air and stuttering his dream, slowly continued to talk.

"And then I died."


What is he talking about? Who's going to kill you, the most powerful person in the world?

My voice rose naturally. Rublet looked at me accusingly, "Lower your tone."

"The last one was Tyriel. Behind it all was Absulekti."


"The dream was so vivid that I thought it would be a dream come true. In fact, I wondered if the abduction was also initiated by Absulekti..."

Rublet's head fell toward the door where Reynos was waiting.

"It was not to be."

"'What about His Highness the Crown Prince? What did His Highness do when you and Tyriel died?"

"It's my turn to ask a question."

Rublet interrupted me slowly.

I'm dying of curiosity. I nodded to give it a try.

"You've worn that necklace I gave you, haven't you? What color did it turn?"


"It's my turn."

Rublet was lightly bruised. Bad guy.

I sighed. I wondered for a moment if I should say this, then answered.


Rublet's eyes narrowed. Ah, what is it? I asked impatiently.

"What's that thing?"

"A dark dragon identifier."


I was so surprised I almost inhaled. So, I wonder, how did Reynos' gloves get burned at the ball?

I didn't think it was because Rublet gave the necklace to me, I haven't even worn the necklace since!

I bit my tongue to keep from showing my expression. Fortunately, Rublet didn't notice that I was upset.

If Rublet knew that Reynos would turn into an evil dragon, he would try to kill Reynos. Reason or no reason.

Because the family that exists for that purpose is Justice. I asked, careful not to let my voice shake.

"So you're saying that the Duke has something to do with the evil dragon?"

"You're very good at breaking the rules."

"Sigh, yes. Hurry up and ask questions."

"I don't have any questions.

"Then answer mine."

"Then it's not fair."

Rublet blinked slowly.

You damn thing. I felt the urge to hit him.

"I'll answer anything, so ask me quickly."

"Are you fascinated by the Duke? What about him do you like so much?"

I told him to ask me anything, so he asked me anything. I hit my forehead.

"It's a private matter."

"You said you'd answer."

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