Chapter 16

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"It's not that dangerous. As long as you don't mess up."

I turned to the subject of falling into another place by moderately agreeing.

"I'll ask you to check. You sure you want a divorce?"

"... Yes, I do. I want to break up now."

Tears gathered around the countess' eyes and ran down her cheeks.

"But he won't let me go. As soon as I legally become a stranger, my husband's title returns to me..."

That's right.

Countess Valentine had the love of the century. She was born the daughter of an aristocrat and married a commoner in love.

She even gave her husband the title of count, which she should have received, and chose to remain as a countess.

'In other words, the current Count Valentine was a commoner.'

However, Count Valentine, who became an aristocrat, was not grateful for the favor he received, but instead became preoccupied with drinking, gambling, and women.

Not only did he use without permission the gold mine that had been handed down in the Count Valentine family for generations, but he also listened to requests from people who pretended to be close to him and did not know about the warranty that family members were not allowed to stand even among themselves.

He was a dog bastard no less than Duval.

"I know. So we have to make sure you get divorced."


"I'm going to catch the scene of an affair."

The empire had several systems in place to resolve the confusion.

And I was going to help Mrs. Valentine by taking advantage of one of those systems, which allowed for "unilateral divorces and divorces without a trial when proof was presented that a spouse or fiancé was in bed with another person."

Similar to Duval, Count Valentine was quite a debauchee in his life.

His wife noticed what I had said and mumbled with a dark complexion.

"So how do you do that..."

"That's why there's a guild."

It was then that I heard people coming.

I stopped speaking and threw a glance in that direction. Then I raised my eyebrows at the appearance of the familiar faces.

The Countess, who was also checking out the familiar faces, freaked out. She looked truly frightened.

"Here you are, wife."

With a pretend voice, Count Valentine arrived.

Perhaps it was the calmness of his language and expression, but to those who did not know his inner workings, he seemed to be a man who truly loved his wife.

By his side were Duval, whose brow was furrowed, and Leila Essit, Duval's sister and Count Valentine's adulteress. Unfortunately, Tyriel was not there.

She was running hard and it seemed they had crossed paths. If she had run into him, it would have been a sight to see.

"I've been looking for you for a long time."

Count Valentine, with a beaming smile, extended his hand. The Countess could only back away and could not resist.

Sighing in my heart, I naturally intervened between them.

"We meet again, Count."

"... Lady Lavirins."

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