Chapter 181

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- Ppi, ppiik, ppiiiiik!

Reynos shook his head in disbelief.

No, I saw it all with my own eyes, and I caught him glaring at the yarn doll in frustration.

I sent the doll away and pulled Reynos toward me, hugging him tightly like a stuffed animal and patting him on the back.

"Do you want to sleep like this?"

- ...!

"What the hell, we're getting married anyway."

Reynos stiffened as he tried to pull away. But that didn't mean he had to turn human right then and there. I quickly added an afterthought before he could make a huge mistake and get into trouble.

"By the way, no speeding before the wedding."


Reynos stiffened, an exclamation point above his head.

With a lazy smile on my lips, I hugged him, completely frozen, and went to sleep, feeling the small, quick beat of his heart traveling through my palm as I ran my hand over his small body.

That night.

I had a very happy dream about riding a giant golden dragon across the continent.


Some time later, on a crisp autumn day after a sweltering summer, I, fully recovered, held a small banquet in the Duke's back garden to celebrate my recovery.

In attendance were Reynos, Rublet, Gerald, Alice, May, and guild members of the Ciel Love Manipulators disguised as a member of the Luminous merchant group.

We had been eating, drinking, and mingling for some time.

Raising his hand, Leather spoke up in a booming voice.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to announce: I'm getting married to my baby!"

All eyes turned to Leather and May, who stood next to him. In an instant, May's face turned as red as an apple, and she playfully punched Leather's side with a loud thud.


The sudden announcement drew the attention of everyone present.

"Is it real?"

"When is the big day?"


With curious faces, the guild members of the Ciel Love Manipulation Guild quickly surrounded Leather and May.

Alice, who had come with Gerald, glanced at them enviously and whispered, "Hey, young master Lavirins, when will we...?" Rublet, for some reason, looked a bit queasy and downed a glass of strong wine in one gulp.

Seizing the moment when everyone was focused on Leather and May, I leaned over to Reynos and suggested that we step away from the crowd for a moment.

Reynos, who nodded as if he could see it, followed me cheerfully.


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