Chapter 101

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Leather asked, unable to understand because there was no such thing as a lottery in this world.

"What is that?"

Hmm, I can't be bothered to explain, but here we go again. I kept it short and sweet.

"You ask people to pick six numbers from 1 to 45, and you sell them for 10,000 gold."

"You're putting me to the test, and if you have a problem with that, don't bother poor me, just say so."

Leather grumbled that I was making him sell a piece of paper for 10,000 gold that he wouldn't keep even if I gave it to him for free.

I said, cutting through his tirade.

"You're being loud. Make an announcement that we'll be giving out a huge prize on the day of the banquet, and if my guess is right, it'll be something like two billion gold, assuming there are no duplicate winners."

"What? Two billion gold?"

Stunned, Leather's jaw dropped. He looked once at the paper, once at me, and then stammered.

"I want that money."

"What are you talking about? You're a man whose entire fortune is closer to eleven figures."

"... How do you know how much money I have?"

"I know how much money you take home every month."

"I guess there's no such thing as privacy... Hmmm. I guess more money is always better, right? So, is that lottery random?"

"Yes. On the day of the banquet, I'll draw 6 out of 45 balls, and I'll give them to the person who perfectly matches the numbers on them, okay?"

"I don't know what's okay, and I want that money."

"Then you can buy a lottery ticket, and who knows, maybe you'll win."

Leather's eyes lit up at the mention of winning, but then he turned sour as he realized the odds were astronomical.

Mathematically speaking, the odds of winning the first prize in the lottery are 1 in 8,145,060.

If you were to buy a ticket for 10,000 gold each, that would cost about 81 billion gold. Your navel would be bigger than your stomach.

I was going to keep some of the money from the ticket sales and give the rest to the winner.

'Who wouldn't come if you offered them money?'

While the Queen and Count Essit were spending money to attract guests, I was earning money to attract guests.

I could even pretend to spread the money around, so that's how I got my pheasant and my eggs, my ditch, and my crayfish.

That's when I heard a knock at the door.

Leather opened the door instead of me, lying gracefully in my crown prince doll, and a guild member entered, announcing the arrival of a visitor.

"The man who consulted the Master for love advice and ran off without paying. He just came in and asked me to deliver something to the master and tried to run away, so I caught him, what do you want me to do?"


I'd half given up on getting paid after my last relationship counseling session because I hadn't seen a peep out of him in a while.

And then he walked in on me?

I smiled as I put down the prince doll.

"Of course I'll see him. Tell him to wait until I get there."

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