Chapter 86

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Dana's face stiffened as she realized that I was doing this on purpose.

But she didn't dare to ask why, and through clenched teeth, she ordered the madame harshly.

"Get me something more expensive."

The madame, sweating profusely as she stood between me and Dana, instructed her staff.

Soon a third batch of dresses arrived. I bought them all this time, too.

"It's sad if yours is the same as the others. May, you can have all of them."


May threw up her hands in confusion. I waved one hand in the air, indicating that no meant no.

Dana, who had been usurped by the maids' dresses, gritted her teeth and glared at me.

Why, what? Oh, don't you have any money? I do. I shrugged, meaning it.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Dana, who's always been a bit of a trooper, spoke up.

"More... Get me something more expensive. Much more!"

The fourth batch of dresses arrived. Finally, dresses in a similar price range to the one I'd bought.

Dana's eyes lit up as she looked at them with a nervous look on her face.

She pretended not to and began to observe my every move.

'Tsk, tsk, I can see what you're thinking.'

A fierce look on her face, Dana quickly picked out the dresses.

"This one, this one, and this one!"

Almost every dress on the mannequins was chosen by Dana. She didn't even look at them, as if she expected me to take them away from her. But I had no intention of doing so, and Dana, who hadn't noticed the thought, shouted out, uninhibited.

"I'm buying it all!"


I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer purchasing power. Those things must be worth at least a couple hundred million a piece, hm.

I applauded Dana with all my heart.

Not even Alice, who went from being a cherry-picked lady of a marquis's family to a barred jade leaf, would buy something that expensive with a sweep of her shopping cart.


Dana snorted, buoyed by my praise.

But her smile quickly faded as she heard the madame's trembling voice behind her.

"This, all of this...? Can I send it to Baron Alfred?"

Dana's face turned white as she realized what she had done.

I quickly opened my mouth before she could say something like, "It was just a thought," or "No, I take it back."

"That's amazing, even Marquis Cherish wouldn't be able to do something like that. I saw something again, Baroness Alfred."

"Oh, no..."

"Looks like the rumors were true about the Baron being incredibly spoiling. Buying you all those expensive things. Yes, you've crossed the line of status and got married."


"It's amazing, that's really something."


"Oh, I've been talking too much, haven't I? You'll have to pay quickly, I'm sorry to interrupt. Madame, please continue."

I urged her to pay quickly; it would be a blow to her pride if she canceled. Dana hesitantly signed the receipt the madame held out to her.

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