Chapter 117

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It was Dave's sword.

He missed it by a single strike and looked at his sword on the ground in disbelief.

The spectators watching the match, the referee who was supposed to be officiating, all stared in unison at his sword.

After a long silence, Reynos spoke languidly.

"I think it's over."

"... Ah, yes, yes!"

The referee, frozen in place, announced the result.

"The winner of this match is His Highness Crown Prince Reynos!"

"...M-my hand slipped!"

Dave cried out as he stood in disbelief.

"My hands are sweaty, and I slipped while swinging my sword- I think the snow hasn't melted yet, and the floor is a little slippery. I think it's more than the arena-"

"Pick up your sword again."

Reynos cut off the long-winded excuse, jerking his head toward Dave's sword, which had fallen to the ground behind him.

"It sounds like you want a rematch."


The roaring crowd was stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

A rematch, even if it was a fluke, was already a loss.

It was obvious that Reynos won.


"Accept the result!"

A few voices booed Dave, but he raised his sword regardless, his wrist still feeling the impact of the blow he'd made earlier.

It felt like hitting a rock.

But he knew his senses were wrong. He was nervous about facing the crown prince, so he assumed he was mistaken.

"Start... Here we go."

The referee, who was trembling at Reynos's gesture, fired his gun again.


Dave didn't rush in this time, but carefully watched Reynos.

As expected, he didn't seem to be concentrating on the game at all as he let his sword dangle slightly.

Perhaps the match had just been a fluke, a coincidence, and with that thought, Dave tightened his grip on his sword.

This time, without any premeditation, he charged at Reynos, and in one swift motion, he missed again.


An imperial knight, a knight of considerable renown, lost a sword in one fell swoop.

It was still a stunning sight, but the second time was a little less shocking. The grim-faced referee announced the victor once more.

"His Highness Crown Prince Reynos is the victor."



Twice, in one fell swoop, it could no longer be called a mistake. The onlookers stared, breathless, at the stiffened Dave and his sword on the ground.

Dave, his face flushed with shame, stammered.

"This, this is ridiculous..."

He suddenly pointed a finger at Reynos.

"This is ridiculous!"

How dare he point a finger at the crown prince?

Everyone in the place froze at the unexpected turn of events. Except for one person, Reynos himself.

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