Chapter 123

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There was a strange air about the Rema, a salon where only high-ranking nobles gathered.

"My, little young lady Cherish. Where did you get this dress, it's so pretty!"

Alice, who had noisily put down her teacup, glared as if she were going to eat the person who had dared to utter the words 'little young lady Cherish' The person who had called Tyriel such a ridiculous name was the Crybaby young lady, who had been kicked out in front of Alice one day for using a hot pack and being covered in tea water.

Frightened by Alice's fierce glare, the crybaby cowered. The new group, centered around little young lady Cherish, did the same thing. They had all been hated by Alice for various reasons and had been on the outskirts of Rema, so they were happy to see a new Cherish who could defeat Alice, who was ruling like a king. They looked at Alice with fear in their eyes, but when they saw Tyriel chuckling beside them, they relaxed and stood tall.

"Right? I'm sorry I didn't know about it before. But father had this dress specially made for me, and he said it was much more expensive than yours, sister!"

"Who's your sister!"

An impatient Alice scrambled to her feet. The group of Alice's clinging to her followed suit.

The noisy hall quickly fell silent. Even though everyone was talking, their eyes and ears were focused on Alice and Tyriel.

I sipped my tea in silence and watched the confrontation.

'This sucks.'

Yes, it was very much fucked up. If only for Marquis Cherish, who was at the center of whatever storm was brewing.

Not long ago, Marquis Cherish had made a stunning announcement.

He announced that he had had an affair with Countess Puritina and that he was, in fact, the father of Tyriel.

The sudden declaration rocked the empire. Not only the Marquis but also the Queen and the 2nd Prince were hit hard.

It was because of the opinion that her younger brother would have been such a person, so she could have had an affair as Queen came out like a smoke. smoke.

'Instead, Puritina, who was on the edge of a cliff, is reviving.'

Her reputation hadn't recovered from the Summer Star, but even bad press helped raise awareness, and more nobles were taking notice of Puritina.

And now that Marquis Cherish has come forward to offer financial support to thank her for taking care of him, she must be looking pretty good by now.

'But it's weird.'

In the original books, Tyriel's father was already dead.

Tyriel was the child of a commoner whom Countess Puritina had met while traveling, when she was still unmarried.

Despite the success of conceiving the child in secret, the Countess was ashamed of the commoner's child and wanted to keep it hidden. Even though he knew her powers would be discovered.

'On the other hand, a commoner, who realized that her child was a purifier, demanded money from the Countess for Tyriel.'

When it came to the point where he couldn't get the money and the child was taken from him, he disappeared with Tyriel, and was later found dead in the slums, running for his life.

'But why would Marquis Cherish suddenly want to claim Tyriel's father?'

Even on the surface, the Marquis and Tyriel bore no resemblance.

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