Side Story 6

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Examining my body, Reynos muttered.

"I don't know how you lived with this body... I feel like I'm going to break just by tapping something; I can't move."

"It won't break, so feel free to move. Ugh, really. They should have warned me that my body would change, or I wouldn't have used it!"

"Maybe that's why they didn't write a warning."

Reynos said calmly as he inspected the magic tool, surprisingly composed for someone whose body had been switched.

"But are you okay? It seems that only your soul has changed, and our magic power remains in our bodies. I can control your labyrinth, but you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, my head throbbed again. It felt as though someone were pounding my body with a sledgehammer.

My body—no, Reynos's body—what's wrong with me? I groaned, holding my head in my hands.


"The dragon's mana is out of control; hold on."

Hastening over to me, he reached out and touched my forehead. It seemed like he was attempting to calm the dragon's mana, which threatened to go on a rampage with the shifting of his soul.



My head felt like it was on the verge of cracking under his touch. Ow! I twisted to evade his hand.

Reynos attempted to hold onto me, but the contrast in strength made it challenging for him to restrain me.

"Don't touch me, it hurts, it hurts!"

I shoved him away as he tried to seize me.

It felt as if someone had compressed my entire body into a small space and pressed down on it. I had never experienced such pain before.

Reynos endeavored to somehow soothe me, grappling with the agony in his fragile Ciella body.

About five minutes passed in that torturous state, and suddenly, I felt myself shrinking, and then the pain ceased.

My body felt as if it were about to tear apart, and my head seemed on the verge of exploding.

I drew in a sharp breath.

"Huu, huu, huu-"


Reynos let out a wet, labored breath. Only the ragged breathing of the two of us filled the space.

As the pain subsided, I regained my senses.

The realization of what I had just done flashed through my mind, and I felt profoundly sorry.

I must have broken something because I pushed that frail body with all my strength.

I cautiously opened my closed eyes and looked at him, grimacing.

Reynos, in my form, was a mess.

Though he didn't seem to have broken anything, his hair was in disarray, and he had cuts on his face and hands.

'Ugh, my body.'

But somehow, he looked so big, like a giant in a small kingdom.

I was about to ask him what kind of side effect made him look like that.




I couldn't pronounce it. No matter how many times I tried, my pronunciation was "piik," and that was it.

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