Chapter 29

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Feeling strange, I gripped the medicine bottle in my hand for a moment and looked down at the clothing.

There seemed to be something about a particular section that was popping out, but it didn't seem to budge, as if it had frozen.

As I did so, it whirred for a moment and the clothing began to move in clumps, as if it had a foot on it.

W-where is it going?

I reflexively stepped on the edge of the garment because I thought it was going to hit the wall if ut kept going.

Something in the clothing that did not notice this kept moving forward and eventually slid out of the clothing.

The baby evil dragon looked behind him as he noticed for the first time in the cold air outside that the clothing covering him had disappeared.


Then he got a look, reacted, "hyuk" and hurriedly jumped into his clothes.



A long silence followed.

I stared at the baby evil dragon, who was speechless, hiding in his clothes and not moving. I pinched my cheek hard, too.

I don't think the pain is a dream...


As I did so, I noticed that the baby evil dragon was tugging at the clothes, wanting to be let go, and I hurriedly put my feet away.

At the same time, I lowered my voice loud enough to prevent anyone from eavesdropping and asked.

"Your Highness? Are you His Highness?"

-... Piik.

The baby evil dragon who cried shortly moved again, clothes and all, and hit a bean, unable to avoid the wall.

I stared blankly at the trifling clothes that wriggled and swerved.

But it was not long before I realized that I still had the little medicine bottle in my hand, so I went over to the clothing and sat down, bending my knees.

Fortunately, no one was passing nearby.

"Your Highness."


"Your Highness, isn't it? Do you understand what I am saying?"


There was no answer returned. But every time I spoke, the wiggling didn't seem to ignore it.

As in the original version, he doesn't shoot breath, so he seems reasonable, but I had trouble knowing if he was in a state where dialogue was understood.

I looked down at my hands.

'I doubt he'll touch or bite me by mistake.'

Still, I pulled my hand back in case he didn't know, and said after he was fully preparing to run away at any time.

"Your Highness, if you understand what I'm saying, please stick your head out."

As soon as the words were finished, the baby evil dragon poked its head out of its clothes.

Oh my, that startled me.

I was so worried that it might bite me that I fell on my butt. I shrugged my shoulders and quickly turned my head to look at the evil dragon's expression, which was downcast.

"No, this is so, um, do you understand me?"



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