Chapter 54

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"She still hasn't come in?"

She even bet her hair that she would come back within three days, but six days later, she still hadn't come back.

The wrong prediction hurt her pride. Isabella frowned at the maid who delivered the news.

"Are you sure she didn't come in secretly and leave and you just didn't see it?"

"No, I am sure of it. I asked a knight escorting the young lady, but she has never once stopped by the mansion."

Could this be possible?

With a headache, she gently pressed her temples. Ciella's deviation had lasted longer than expected.

In fact, Isabella did not care where Ciella went or what she did. She also hoped that she would not have to come in forever.

Marquis Lavirins, however, was a problem.

"Isn't Ciella ready?"

Even though he was busy trying to stabilize Lavirins, which was in turmoil because of her engagement to Essit, he asked if Ciella every day.

He seemed concerned about his daughter's presence at the hotel.

Even though she had put her away in front of him, meaning to get her away from his mind. Somehow she wasn't right in front of him, so he had to look for her more.

'Don't tell me she left the house expecting the Marquis to come out like this?'

If so, she really was a cunning woman. She had been living in shrinkage for over a decade, and now she was revealing her true nature.

'I can't go on like this.'

Isabella worried. The Marquis stirred her burning heart.

"Maybe I'll have to go there myself..."

"No, you stay here."

In the meantime, she would meet Ciella.

Let's see what you've been doing and why you've been staying in a boring hotel for six days.

Isabella sat up straight. After changing into her going-out clothes with the help of a maid, she headed for the hotel where Ciella was staying.

It was not as bad as she expected, with only two rooms each on the ground floor.

'That's why she's been here for six days.'

Apparently, some action had to be taken. She wondered if she had to bribe the manager to get rid of the girl.

As she peeked into Ciella's room, she heard a sound coming from behind the door. It seemed that Ciella was about to leave.


Isabella reflexively hid behind the wall. She didn't know why she was hiding when she didn't do anything wrong.

The door opened and Ciella came out.

Surprisingly, she was not alone. She was accompanied by a beautiful man with dark hair and red eyes, and a boy with silver hair and purple eyes.

The boy, looking a little sleepy, spoke in a whisper.

"There are many empty rooms in the Justice estate."

"I don't need it."

"The Imperial Palace.. No, it's a lot where I'm staying."

"It's all right. I like it here."

Isabella's hidden mouth gradually opened.

Yes, she remembered. Who that boy was.

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