Chapter 110

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Tyriel was very depressed these days.

After falling out of favor with the Emperor and Queen during the last Ruby Moon Festival, she had been completely buried in social circles.

Not only in her personal relationships but also within her own family.

Now that the illegitimate child, who was already a troublemaker, had destroyed the family, there was no one left to stand by.

"Where did you bring her?"

"I brought her here? Little Marquis Lavirins brought her to me!"

"The Little Marquisjust picked her up, why don't you think about the fact that you've been doing that everywhere!"

Tyriel was so reviled by her family that she lived in seclusion, breathing only in her room. Her family and even the maids ignored her, and she was completely cut off from the rest of the world.

Then, just as she was beginning to make her way back into social circles, thanks to Count Puritina's expectations that they would need a purifier as the crown prince began his official duties- a letter arrived from the Holy Temple.

[A revelation has come down concerning Puritina, so please visit the shrine at your earliest convenience.]

A divine revelation.

It was a kind of call from God, less important than an oracle, but more important than a pope's word.

The word of God calling her lifted me out of her depressed mood.

Tyriel decided to get all dolled up and go to the papal palace, but there was one problem.

"I don't have a dress..."

Puritina, who had wanted rubina during the Rubina Rebellion, even though they didn't have any, had sold all of Tyriel's dresses for going out, saying she didn't need them.

"Phew, it's frustrating. Ugh!"

Countess Puritina's husband, who manages the family's finances, was forced to give her the budget, looking as if he would have thrown Tyriel out if he could.

However, since she was not his child and he was getting angry just looking at her, he sent her to the boutique alone without a single maid to accompany her.

That was a mistake.

"Welc...I'm sorry. My shop can't sell anything to a young lady.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to look elsewhere."

"Get out, get out!"

None of the boutiques in the capital wanted to let Tyriel in. Some even sprinkled salt on her as a sign of bad luck.

This went on for hours, and she felt like she was going to cry. No, really, she did.

"Heuk, hmph..."

It was bad enough to be harassed at home, but to be kicked out of a boutique for no reason at all was even worse.

In fact, the boutique that made Tyriel's dress for the Ruby Moon Festival in the summer had gone out of business after being rejected by Ciella during the events of Rubina.

It was said that association with Tyriel would bring Little Marquis Lavirins' wrath and ruin the business.

But Tyriel, who had kept herself away from social circles, knew nothing of it. Rubina, too, she had heard the name but had never seen it, and so she squatted on the steps of the central plaza and wept.


A diminutive woman spoke to Tyriel. When she looked up, the woman lowered her voice to a passive voice.

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