Chapter 143

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The duel, which was supposed to be over until one of them was dead, ended without any damage.

Rublet, suddenly awakened by Reynos' glare, threw his sword to the ground.

"I withdraw."


He wasn't looking for a bloody fight, but this sudden change in demeanor was pretty disconcerting.

'Then why did you awaken.'

Rublet had no desire for a bloody confrontation, but his newfound resolution left Reynos perplexed.

For a moment, Reynos silently contemplated Rublet's actions, uncertain if he was being questioned. Eventually, he tilted his head, as if grasping the reasoning behind Rublet's choice, and accepted his withdrawal with an impassive tone.

"I accept."

And just like that, their duel was over.

Not only that, but they also agreed to bury the fact that the Duke had dared to challenge the Crown Prince to a duel.

It was rumored that they were both interested in me, and if they didn't do well, they might be labeled as having fought over me.

"Let's just pretend today never happened, then."


When they're not staring at each other like they're going to kill each other, they're always so in sync.

What the hell did you guys talk about when I wasn't around, that you're still on the same page?

'The friendship of men who've crossed swords at least once, or something?'

I was dumbfounded at how quickly things were coming together.

I felt like I was in a dream, like everything that had just happened was a dream.

Meanwhile, the two people who had cleared up the situation approached me.

I awkwardly looked up from my awkwardly enlarged Rublet and marveled.


He's so handsome.

Even when he was young, I knew he would be amazing when he grew up, but in person, all I could say was that he was handsome.

His height was impeccable, his silver hair shining, and his eyes slightly closed as if he was tired.

The adult-looking Rublet exuded an air of decadence.

'He's not just an obsessive second male lead.'

With a high title and a lot of money, he was a first-class groom.

I continued to stare at Rublet. He was less handsome than Reynos, but I never got tired of looking at him.

Then Rublet lifted one corner of his mouth and smiled cockily.

"What, are you surprised I've grown?"

Even his voice, which had dropped past the point of metamorphosis, was very sweet- What's with the way he talks? He seems to have changed a bit.

'I did indeed know that one's personality changes slightly depending on what triggers the awakening.'

His annoyance has waned and his bitterness has increased. If the original Rublet was 100% pure obsessive, the Rublet in front of me was 50% obsessed and 50% full of shit.

'What the hell was he thinking when he awakened?'

Come to think of it, Rublet had glared at Reynos right before he awakened.

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