Chapter 159

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"The agent of God can only be met one on one. If there are two, the agent does not appear."

I stared cloudily at the Pope, who repeated the same words like a parrot.

No, we'll take care of that, just let us in.

I had a vague idea why there were such conditions attached to meeting with Knox. It's a fake enchantment that mimics Reynos' powers, so two people can't claim the prize at once, but that's why I had to go in with him.

If I went in alone, I'd be in big trouble. As I frowned, Reynos tried to convince him otherwise.

"I didn't hear anything about the agent being shy."

"He's not shy, it's hard to concentrate when there are more than two people around."

"I'll stay out of the way and be quiet."

"No. What if you do, and the agent doesn't give a revelation?"

A pointless argument ensued. I stared at the two men in a never-ending war of attrition.

The Pope would never back down from his rule, and Reynos would fear for Knox and me alone, even if it meant using force.


And then it dawned on me.

Count Essit, the Second Prince, Tyriel, and others who have done evil things are getting what they deserve.

Only the Pope, the mastermind of the Reynos' drug shenanigans to turn Tyriel into a saint, has come out unscathed.

The tampering with Reynos' medicines was kept secret from the priests who were imprisoned, and the case of Tyriel's paternity was blamed on Tyriel's use of Estalroot to cloud the Pope's mind.

'Still, there is a steady stream of pressure on him to take responsibility and step down, given the string of unsavory events that have occurred.'

My stomach twisted at the thought as I realized I'd gotten this far. How dare you touch Reynos and expect to be wished well?


I was resolute in my mission to punish the Pope in the name of justice.

My eyes widened as if I'd just remembered something important, and I stepped between the two men, who were still talking excitedly.

"Oh, by the way, I had something for His Holiness, but I forgot!"

"What is it?"

"Actually, Godori-no, the spirit I carry, has told me to bring this to Your Holiness."

The Pope's eyes lit up at the mention of a spirit. He seemed astonished that a legendary creature had entrusted me with something.

I delivered the lie convincingly, without batting an eye.

"It's a priest's robe made of transparent spirit thread, and it's said to double the wearer's divine power."


The Pope's eyes widened in surprise at the idea of such a thing being doubled. Reynos, looking equally stunned, whispered in my ear.

"There is no such thing as an elemental thread. I think you've been tricked."

'I know, just stay still.'

I flicked Reynos's foot under my dress as a gesture for silence.

I called the open-mouthed, imaginary pope back to the present.

"But Holy Father, if there is a going, shouldn't there also be a coming?"

The pope's face darkened as he realized I had something to ask.

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