Chapter 33

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When I circled the festival site that way, Luminous was truly crowded.

Even those who did not get to see Reynos sometimes wandered around and lined up, saying, "Why are there so many people here?"

"Oh, what?"

"How long do we have to wait?"

People's frustration grew when the lines did not diminish. The guild members began to move in response.

"Come on, try a sample!"

"All proceeds will be donated to the temple! Enjoy delicious food and the joy of donating at the same time!"

People got tired of waiting and tried to get out of the line, but they stalled. The tasting was also going on, but there was a grandfather priest with a beard as white as snow who took a bribe. And that was why he began to watch on with a satisfied look on his face and hands.

All proceeds are to be donated to the Temple, but if I walk out of here, isn't that different from certifying "I will not donate"?

This was even more so since donating to temples was considered routine in the empire.

'Actually, this was Aria's idea, though.'

The children, who complained that their feet hurt after waiting so long, were given one of the small sugar fruit skewers, which were not for sale, to hold.

Of course, there were people who just walked away with all this effort. But there were more people gathering than going.

Someone will say, if you do business this way, what is left?

That's right. In the first place, this business was not profitable.

'How can it be profitable when all the proceeds are donated to charity?'

In the first place, my goal was not to make money by selling chicken skewers. No matter how good the business was, in the end, it was a temporary dealership.

I have to earn huge sums of money and earn honor, and I'm content with this little coin, but that's not what I'm aiming for.

"I must come back one more time before the festival is over. Was it called Luminous?"

"Won't the crowd be a little smaller then?"

"By the way, that Luminous sentence. If you look at it closely, it is not an ordinary diamond.

"It looks like two snakes, one black and one white, are entangled. The quality of the writing is very high for a business that sells grilled chicken."

"Yes, it is. It doesn't go with chicken skewers at all..."

"So it seems to be more memorable."

"Luminous Merchant Group..."

To make Luminous remain in the brains of more people.

That was all.


Duval was in a good mood when he was briefed by an aide.

"Ciella is promoting a new merchant chicken skewer group called Luminous? And how's it going?"

"Yes... that's right."

He told Ciella's every move as he was told, but if he did it poorly, he was ready to be punched in the face.

The aide shrugged his head involuntarily.

"Perhaps Lavirins has decided to be the backing of the merchant group Luminous..."


Duval, who had been frowning, chuckled with a dumbfounded expression.

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