Chapter 8

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Chapter 2

The salon "Rema", located in the center of the capital, was a place where the ladies of the most prestigious families gathered to socialize.

At the very least, more than a count's family. It was a hotbed of the social world, where even the Countesses had to have fame and fortune to enter.

"Oh, my, lady! It's a necklace that I've never seen before... Look at this glow! Excuse me, but can I know where you got it?"

"I brought in a fine stallion this time. We have to have a baby before the end of the year somehow."

"There is a rumor that His Highness, the second prince, will officially enter the social world soon. Is it true?"

Inside the hall decorated with expensive objects, splendidly dressed sirs and ladies were talking.

From false rumors without nutrition to groundless lies to important real information that anyone should listen to.

Various stories floated in the air. Among them, it was like each person's ability to identify lies and truths.

"Did you hear?"

On one wall of the salon, a group of young ladies sat around a round table.

A lady, who had been leading the conversation with a fluttering sky-blue fan, quickly folded it. She then narrowed her eyes and began an interesting conversation.

"Sir Essit has a new lover."

"Well, it's been a day or two."

The lady, who was sitting across from her, cut her off with a hint of disinterest.

This was because the Essits were a family with a lot of money but not enough to meet the standards of Rema, and their successor, Duval Essit, was already famous for his history with women.

"Oh, my. Listen to me!"

A lady with a sky-blue fan suddenly became deprived of the conversation and shuddered and looked elated.

"Who the new lover is..."

Ring, ring.

It was about that time that the bell above the door rang nicely.

The lady with the sky-blue fan that stopped her words caught attention. She whispered to the girls around her, "Hey, over there," in a hushed voice as soon as she saw who was entering the salon.

Either way, the eyes of the wandering girls reached somewhere.

Then, as if they had made a promise, they all opened their eyes.

"Thank you for bringing me, sir."

"I'm flattered."

It was definitely Duval Essit who lightly touched the lips on the back of the lady's hand. Who received the hand kiss?

Surprisingly, it was not Duval's fiancée, Ciella Lavirins.

"I wish sir could join us..."

It was Tyriel Puritina, the bastard child of Count Puritina that Ciella Lavirins had been so fond of carrying around.

The strange air currents surrounding the man and woman caused the onlookers to reflexively check their surroundings.

Not there.

The person they were looking for, Ciella, was nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, Tyriel, who had been saying goodbye, was completely embraced in Duval's chest.

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