Chapter 82 Dangerous

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Inspired by Lin Qiao, he started his old business along the way, which is too easy. When the carriage passed by someone, I bought a pot and a matching small stove. Everyone has brought dry food, so just make a la carte.

At night live on the banks of the river. A raging bonfire was lit. It was humid and colder near the water. There are really many talents in the trading team of more than one hundred people. There was even a young man who had a whimsical idea and brought home a fishing net that he wove himself. Everyone laughed at him a lot. The big trading market over there is mainly exquisite and meticulous? How about going to the fair? Bring a fishing net? Why don't you bring the wicker basket from home? Unexpectedly, he was the first one to open, and Lin Qiao bought one. It happened to be resting by the stream today. Cast a net nearby. More than 30 small miscellaneous fishes the size of a palm were caught!

Lin Qiao directly disposed of the fish and put them in the pot. Let's stew the fish...

This fish is wild-caught, and it tastes fresh just out of the water. Lin Qiao set up the pot, making sure to touch the front of the pot from time to time. Soon the fish soup was boiled to milky white. The fish was tumbling in the pan.

The old horse naturally stood beside Lin Qiao this time, and he knew it when he saw so many fish: "Xiaosheng, how do you plan to sell this time


" In the morning, a rabbit leg cost more than 30 yuan: "Give me one." These people who come out often bring their own rice bowls, and when they meet someone, they can ask for a bowl of water. Lin Qiao will give it to him Caught a big one. Another spoonful of soup!

The old horse is eating fish on the side. There are pancakes on one side. It was cold at night, and this pot of hot fish soup seems to be able to dispel the cold here. The tasteless pancakes become delicious when they are torn up and soaked in fish soup.

"Give me one!"

"Give me another one."

It was quickly fenced off. They are all out to make money, and they are very willing to spend on food. More than thirty fish are not enough. After a little hesitation, it was bought by others. Luckily, Lin Qiao kept one for himself first. It's just that they took his pot away. Twenty more would not be enough to sell!

The leader of this line said: "Brother, have you opened a big restaurant or something with your craft?" He could smell the aroma when he was roasting rabbits before. At night, he started to fish again, and he couldn't take it anymore, so he asked his hand to buy one for him. After eating this fish, it was steaming in my mouth, and my mood became better. I have traveled all over the world for so many years. This fish is also considered to be on the list of delicious food. It is really refreshing to be able to eat such delicious food in such a wilderness. Before I ate it, I said that it was a bit painful to pay for a fish that was the size of a palm. But when you eat it, you know it's worth more, and you only hate that you bought less. One is sweet enough.

The boss became curious about him. Seeing that his clothes don't look like those of a poor family, he has such good craftsmanship, and what's more commendable is that he also has such a brain. He only earns less than 700 yuan a day, which is already better than many people.

The boss also sensed a business opportunity. If you cook some warm meals and sell them to them along the way, you can also earn more money. But there is no such skill as him!

"It's not open. Where did we country folks think about the restaurant?"

The boss was quite surprised when he heard it: "Your craftsmanship is better than that of many restaurant masters!" Ready but don't know how fragrant it will be? I wanted to talk about cooperation, but I couldn't get it out of my mouth. They did a pretty good job on their own. This business opportunity was discovered by someone else, and now they suddenly stepped in, and those who didn't know thought they were trying to steal his business. Alas, I don't lack this point anyway, and besides, his craftsmanship is so good, I feel that I don't have to worry about food on the way. I don't want to offend him either. I had no choice but to switch to another topic: "Little brother is such a good-looking talent, do you have a wife and concubine?"

Mentioning this, Lin Qiao's face was a little gentle: "There is a daughter-in-law!"

The boss said: "Whoever follows you, Enjoy it."

Speaking of his wife, Lin Qiao's words became a bit more: "He is very good." Then he took out a purse from his arms: "This is what my wife embroidered." There was no lack of showing off in his words.

"Well, it's really ingenious. It takes a lot of work to embroider this. Hey, it's still a pair of mandarin ducks. I'm so envious." For those who have been away all the year round, after his wife ran away with others, he went around looking for prostitutes to solve it. Although it was convenient, But there is no one around who knows the cold and the hot. When I get older, I still long to have a home!

After showing off for a while, Lin Qiao returned to the car contentedly. Everyone had finished their meal and leaned over there waiting to fall asleep. The coachmen also squeezed in. Although there were quite a few people and there was a carport here, it was still too cold to sleep. I really miss the warm blanket at home!

In the middle of the night, someone shouted, "There are wolves..." followed by a series of screams. It was already too cold to sleep at night, but hearing this man's shout again woke everyone up. Everyone opened the curtain and took a look, and their brains swelled a lot after a buzz. The pair of green eyes on the outside were particularly piercing, and there were more than a dozen wolves at a glance.

I didn't live on the mountain before, but I felt that many beasts on the mountain came to the waterside on purpose. The bonfire did not go out. Unexpectedly, I still met a pack of wolves. The pack of wolves looked skinny, and the head wolf still had scars on his body. It looked as if he had been injured while fighting for territory with another group of ferocious beasts. Now their hungry eyes were green, and they were excited at the sight of horses and humans. These are all food.

The boss came out with a few strong men. Said: "The people in the car get down quickly. They don't dare to pounce on us when they see too many people." More than a hundred people beat more than a dozen wolves, which is more than enough.

His voice was useless, but it angered the wolves. The wolf let out a low growl. Seems like a warning.

The people in the car were all out to get rich and didn't want to risk their own lives. Besides, only yourself can move others. Wouldn't that be giving someone else's life? There are a lot of valuable goods in the car. If he went out to drive away the wolves, but he was the one who was unlucky in the end after losing things?

Originally, it was inevitable, but after shouting, no one answered. The head's face turned pale all of a sudden. This pack of wolves are working together!

The wolf immediately sensed that his mentality was unstable, and immediately lowered his body, like a bow and arrow being wound. The tension is on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, it was Lin Qiao who went out first. He got out of the car and shouted: "Brothers, let's not drive the wolves away today. If the wolves hurt people later, the blood will permeate the forest and attract more fierce beasts, and we will be finished." They can't go to the trading market without a horse, this is not the time to take care of their own selfishness!

With his voice, he called out many people.

Seeing that there were more people, the wolves took a few steps back slightly, but the wolves, who had been hungry for several days, were unwilling to give up in the face of such a group of people.

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