Chapter 53 Apprentice

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After Lin Qiao went to the county for a few days, his family's small bank was filled up a lot.

The best sellers are all kinds of dried wild vegetables, which are cheap enough for ordinary people to eat, and they can be fermented after soaking them. Whether it is used for cooking soup or cooking porridge is good. There is also food, the price in Linqiao is about a penny or two lower than the price in the shop, and everyone comes to buy it.

Every time I go home, the car is already empty, and the weather has turned cold recently so it's easier to put the meat. Seeing that he sells miscellaneous things, many customers would ask him if he could get some wild game, which had to rely on the old hunters living on the mountain.

Lin Qiao is willing to make it, and the profit of this meat is very considerable! After such a long period of observation, the county is quite willing to eat!

Lin Qiao wants to go up the mountain to teach Xiao Lian how to cook. After finishing it, by the way, is there any extra bacon or fresh meat for sale?

Speaking of this little lotus, Lin Qiao felt a little headache. Before he went, he went to the carpenter to have a few small seasoning bottles carved out of wood. The small hole on the top is very thin, even if you shake it a few times, you don't have to worry about the smell becoming heavier.

Lin Qiao carried the three bottles up the mountain. As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw the little face looking at him, her eyes lit up: "Master." She shouted happily: "Why did you come here?

" Throw it to her.

Xiao Lian asked, "What is this?"

"Seasoning bottle."

When Xiao Lian opened it, she saw that there were patterns of flowers on the wood-carved seasoning box, which was very delicately carved. I fell in love with it immediately. Her master was so kind and even gave her something.

Lin Qiao said in the middle of the kitchen: "Today, I will teach you how to make two dishes, eggs fried with tomatoes, and meat fried melon slices." These two dishes are not difficult in his opinion, and most beginners cook them super delicious.

Lin Qiaodao: "I'll be watching you from the side. I'll tell you directly when it's time to go." After cooking a lot, his eyes are always focused.

"Okay." Xiao Lian felt that these two dishes were not difficult. Have done this many times before. Those three seasoning jars are filled with salt, fine sugar and soy sauce!

Lin Qiao said from the side: "First boil a pot of water, put the persimmons in and cut a cross flower out. Peel off the outer skin." The outer skin is particularly difficult to swallow, and it still sticks to the throat. After removing the skin, the taste will be gone. enough.

I thought what I said was detailed enough. Without thinking, Xiao Lian glanced at Lin Qiao: "You still need to peel the persimmons, why are you more delicate than a woman


" Novel feeling.

Xiao Lian glanced at Lin Qiao helplessly and followed suit. It was found that the skin peeled off better after being scalded. She cut it up for later use. The knife skills really made Lin Qiao almost have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the tomato was divided into four pieces. When will this be tasty?

It seems that Lin Qiao's thoughts can be seen. Xiaolian said: "It's okay, I still have a spatula." If the piece is too big, the rest can be finished in the pot. After the pan is hot, add oil, then beat the eggs into it and pour in the tomatoes. Although watching it made Lin Qiao anxious. But she still followed the steps and carried out steadily, seeing the red in the pot, and the yellow in the pot. The intertwined colors are quite appetizing. Add a little salt and a little sugar to taste.

Xiao Lian poured salt and found that the mouth of the salt shaker was too small. Shake it hard. Only a trace of white salt fell out. What is this enough for?

"Stir fry quickly, it's going to be mushy." Lin Qiao reminded aloud.

Xiao Lian was tossing and frying vegetables. Very busy. Just when Lin Qiao reminded us to put sugar on the plate, I was immersed in the joy of the complete success of the first course. I saw Xiaolian violently open the salt jar.

Wow... all the white salt fell into the pot.

! ! !

Lin Qiao was shocked immediately, and Xiao Lian realized that she had done something wrong, so she bowed her head in embarrassment. Just when the master and apprentice froze here. A smell came.

Lin Qiao immediately picked up the pot and poured out the charred eggs and tomatoes. After vigorously brushing the pot three times, the pot was cleaned.

Xiaolian felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Qiao said: "Let's fry the next dish." Stir-fried melon slices with meat, with him watching the fire. Stir fry with bacon this time without even adding salt. Surely there will be no problem! As a result, when Xiaolian made a move, Lin Qiao was really defeated. The melon slices were fried for too long. It will break with chopsticks!

Isn't it just a generalization without talent? There is never enough salt. Always feel that the food is not cooked. By the time she thought she was familiar with it, it was already over! Only the old Orion family's great career can withstand such a disaster from her. If an ordinary family was spoiled by her food like this, it would definitely be blown up early in the morning.

The two dishes were fried six times, and Lin Qiao reluctantly felt that it was still acceptable for the last time. Take it out for the old man to taste.

The old Orion picked up a piece of egg and put it in his mouth. Then he opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Did my granddaughter really do this?"

"Yes." Lin Qiao didn't make a move. If he makes a shot, at least it will be much better than it is now.

"Not bad." The old Orion was very satisfied.

Xiao Lian also had a smile on her face: "Grandpa, it seems that I am very talented. From now on, I will cook delicious food for you every day." The

old Orion also looked forward to it. Those two hams were really not for nothing. Just coming here once made her granddaughter make such obvious progress.

Lin Qiao: "Hehe."

Xiao Lian was very motivated after being praised: "Master, when will you come next time?" It turns out that it is such a joyful thing to be praised by others for making some delicious food. Seeing the old Orion eating food with big mouthfuls feeling full.

"In another seven days." In fact, he had nothing to do, but he was afraid that his blood pressure would be a little high when he met such an apprentice, so he had to calm down before going back. Lin Qiao said: "Do you have any dried meat that you can sell me, fresh meat is also fine." "

If you are not in a hurry, just wait a few days. I set several nooses by the river a while ago. You should be able to harvest something!" said the old Orion.


Lin Qiao went down the mountain when he made an appointment. This mountain forest is full of dangers, but it is also full of all kinds of delicacies. Lin Qiao thought in his heart that he would move into the city after staying for a while. It will be easier to go anywhere then. Speaking of which, I have never taken my daughter-in-law out for a stroll. It is best to hold the child again, and the family of three will go to the lake for a picnic and outing. The cost in the county town is much higher than that in the village. If you want to go to the county seat, you need to pay a little more money!

Lin Qiao came home and walked to the door, when he heard Chen Rui asking Chen He: "Brother, what are you betting with Brother Qiao?

" I didn't ask.

Chen He said: "I want him to listen to me."

Chen Rui smiled and said: "Brother Qiao still doesn't listen to you? Let him go east or west, let him feed ducks and not chase chickens."

Chen He said: "I want him Don't be so tired, rely on me to support your family." This is what he has always said. Although my man never said he was tired, but he looked distressed!

Lin Qiao didn't expect his daughter-in-law to be this matter. No wonder a well-mannered person is now talking about business. My heart is filled with indescribable emotion!

I heard Chen Rui say: "What, you want Brother Qiao to eat soft food?"

Chen He: ...

Lin Qiao who eavesdropped outside the door: ...

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